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Adeline couldn't sleep.

Tomorrow is the move-in day to the School for Good. And she is less than pleased to move out from her small cottage in Jaunt Jolie and stay in a school, in which her performance as an Ever will predict if she'll be a storybook legend or an unsung character in someone else' story.

Adeline of course doesn't want to end up as a talking cat or flower. She was okay as the nice girl in town who always give out warm bread in the morning and warm porridge at night to her neighbors. She silently cursed herself and hoped she wasn't doing so many good deeds, then the School Master wouldn't pick her.

She got up from her bed and looked at the bags her father set up for her. Her father was the happiest when she received the letter, along with the Flowerground Pass. "Oh, I used to study there! I was friends with Uma's father! Snubbish bloke but we knew each other!" he gleefully waved the letter around the neighborhood and told everyone that passed that his daughter was accepted by the School Master in the School for Good. No one was surprised, because they all knew little Adeline was destined to be a princess ever since.

"I want to go the School for Good too and marry a prince, just like you would Adeline." a young girl with gold hair said while trailing her around town. "I wish it was that simple Beatrix. But I do hope you get into the School for Good!" she smiled. The young girl leaped for joy and continued to follow her around and asked a lot of questions ("Woah little girl! I haven't even got there yet!" Adeline laughed). She wished she could just exchange with the young girl then they'll both have what they wanted. But she figured Beatrix is too young to enter school just yet.

She opened the bags one by one to check if all of her dresses and gowns were ready. She thought of why she needed to pack all of those gowns if there are only one Snow Ball, well, she shrugged the thought off and closed all four bags full of tulle and satin. The next bag was full of jewelry she inherited from her mother, a diamond tear-dropped earring and a matching diamond chocker, the rest were gifts by villagers and the Queen of Jaunt Jolie herself, she was fond of the queen, she used to play with her daughter along with Camelot's prince.

A hefty work for those two, but she loved them as her siblings.

She laughed as she read handwritten letters from the children who wished her good luck in her journey in school, even the boys who wore dreaded looks because they know the competition, they'll have with Adeline was with princes from other Kingdoms. They stood no chance from future kings and leaders, so they left her a bouquet and a note that wishes her not to forget every one of them.

Adeline stopped reading when the words were all about

'Do not forget me, my princess'.

'I will love you always'.

'You are the Cinder to my Ella.'

her frown got deeper and deeper. I mean who writes these, can't men write better letters?

She shoved all of the letters from her suitors under her bed and read the letter written by the Queen.

She shoved all of the letters from her suitors under her bed and read the letter written by the Queen

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

'Your mother would be so proud.'

'You are her spitting image.'

Adeline hears those compliments daily, but she never gets used to them. Her mother died because of illness a few months after giving birth to her. Whenever people compliment her look, she would always linger in front of the mirror and stare at herself. Thinking that the long curly raven-haired, blue-eyed, rosy cheeks, pouty luscious lips, snow white skin, was her mother. But she couldn't picture it as her mother, because she never knew her, so she only saw herself. Half-confused, hiding behind the shadow of her mother.

As she brushed her hair once more in front of the mirror, she thought of what her father would be doing once she leaves for school. Her father was an old, heavily bloated man with a small halo of no hair (her father would laugh once she calls his hair like that) on top of his head, he works as the local farmer and sometimes as the town's story consultant. Even Adeline herself didn't know what that was. She sighed and placed down her brush and stood by her window, she carefully counted the stars and wished for every single one of them to give her a sign that becoming a princess was her calling. And all of the stars responded with a bright twinkle, she was indeed fit to become Good's next princess to be.

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