questioning (pt2)

896 19 56

word count: 748

stan pov:

somehow my rival, craig tucker (fucker) found out that i have a romantic attraction. oh wait. i forgot, he sits behind me in art, shit. he must have seen me staring at kyle all lesson, oh god hes gonna tell everyone.

I slam my head into the table and just sit there, thinking. until i start to feel a hand, on my head? I look up and kyle is there smiling and ruffling my hair. hes so beautiful when he smiles, oh my god and hes touching my hair?? he sits down opposite me, and plays with my hair. did craig tell him i liked him? did i do something? what was going on and why was kyle being so affectionate?

"your hair seems softer then usual" kyle commented, tucking some of my hair behind my ears so he could.. get a better look at me? what was going on?

I was confused but not discouraged, and i let him continue to caress my hair, "i brushed my hair out this morning" i told him, resting my head on the table, he continued to play with my hair

"it looks pretty" he told me, also laying his head on the table and smiling at me again

i felt my heart almost beat out of my chest, the butterflies in my stomach were becoming unbearable, i felt like i was going to be sick. i think kyle noticed my discomfort because a few moments later he took his hand away from me, a small part of me was relieved but the rest of me was upset that my nervousness had made him stop.

"uhm what class do we have next?" i ask him, looking for a subject to drown out the silence, even though i know what subject we have next.

"chemistry i think?" wrong "oh no wait i think we have literature" correct.

more tufts of hair fell out of his hat as he thought, it was adorable, but all i could do was observe him, i could never tell him i actually had feelings for him

kyles pov:

I stood up from the table that i was just seated at with wendy and started walking in the direction of craigs group, tweek, who was sitting next to craig clinging to his hand with his own, clyde, tolkein and jimmy were sitting around the table, eating and chatting.

"hey craig dude can i talk to you for a second?"

craig is the type of person to complain about basically everything, his figure is tall and gangly, a polar opposite from his short chubby other half, tweek, who was just about as twitchy as a cat infested with fleas.

craig looked at tweek, and then at me

"what?" he said, deadpan as ever, uncaring as always

"what are you saying about stan?" I was annoyed by the fact craig was definitely spreading shit about stan, but at the same time intrigued on what it was exactly he was spreading

"you do realise stan is inlove with you right?"

"what are you talking about" i enquire, furrowing my brows.

I glance over at stan, is he crying? his head is on the table and he isnt moving, his raven black hair is still, his whole body limp.

"you know what, i dont care. im going over to him, fuck you craig you jackass, stop making shit up about people"

and with that i step closer to stans table, and start ruffling his soft black swishy hair, i dont give him enough credit, his hair is really soft and easy to run your fingers through, i wondered what it would be like to kiss his head? what? kyle what are you thinking stop it.

i got mixed signals from him while i was playing with his hair, it seemed like he was enjoying it but also silently begging me to get off at the same time. just to be safe, i moved my hand away from him and looked in the direction of the hall entrance instead.

not only that, i felt as if something was shifting, something was changing in the way i felt, about stan. before i saw just stan but now i see so much more, i see his aura, his glow. and so i think. i think about us together, i think about us dating. and i feel myself go fuzzy and warm. do i really like stan? oh my god..

can i get a kiss? (stan x kyle)Where stories live. Discover now