observing (pt1)

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word count: 511
(Disclaimer!! this is most likely all gonna be fluff)

stan pov:

"stan? staaaaaaan???"

kyle was so pretty in this light, tufts of his fluffy curly hair were occasionally falling out of his hat onto his face, and he would try and sweep them out the way, until they returned when he inevitably leaned forward to focus more on his work,

"earth to stan?"

..his face was peppered with an array of freckles, mostly situated on his nose, cheeks and ears, but you couldnt see them that well. i've always wondered if I'll ever get an opportunity to get close enough to see them fully..

"STAN!!!!" I hear kyle yell, and i snap out of my daydream

"oh sorry i was spacing out, whats up?" i comment awkwardly

he sighes and batts his eyelashes at me "the bell just went"

"oh right"

i fumble with my bag to open it and put all my stuff back inside it, kyle was waiting by the door for me, impatient yet thoughtful. after finally managing to pack everything up, i sling my bag over my shoulder and approach kyle to go and eat in the hall, the day had been going so quickly and it was already lunch time, i seriously need to stop spacing out so much..

kyle pov:

somethings up with stan. not anything bad, he just seems so lost in thought, i wonder what he's constantly daydreaming about, probably wendy, sure they're broken up but he might still be interested, speak of the devil, i see her across the hall, i should speak to her. last time we talked it was a heated argument, maybe i could smooth things out.

"hey wendy, mind if i sit next to you for a sec?" I start, hoping for her to say yes

"yeah sure, go ahead" she smiles, i think she might have forgotten about the argument

despite alot of the rumours, wendy is very considerate and kind, shes nothing like all the other girls, i can understand why stan dated her, she has this special glow and never has ill intentions, thats why it was so shocking to me when we had an argument

i shifted uncomfortably in my seat "im sorry about the argument we had before, i came over to check how you've been, you know, since you and stan broke up"

she looked up at me after taking another bite of her sandwich "i've been great! i actually think im doing alot better now! I've been focusing on myself loads and i think im in love with somebody else, which is a bit difficult because they'll never like me back" after talking she sighed, i could tell she hadn't told anybody this "hows stan been holding up? i heard he has a new love interest?"

what? stan has a new love interest?

"where did you hear that from?" I ask inquisitively

"i heard it from craig! he thinks he knows who it is but he says he wont tell anyone until he is completely sure"


can i get a kiss? (stan x kyle)Where stories live. Discover now