The Action Figure - Part 2

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"What is this... small child doing here?" She boldly proclaims.

She was someone who had white hair, tanned skin, and her attire was befitting of the discipline committee, wearing a red armband for everyone to see.

The girl's name was...

"Hello! Have you seen Sensei's action figure?" Arisu looked at the girl in awe. She looked so innocent the girl didn't know what to say.

Not knowing what to do, she diverts her attention to the other person besides Arisu.

Unlike Arisu, she was almost the exact opposite in both appearance and personality.

'What is a Trinity student doing here?" She pondered, "And... is this girl perhaps a Millennium student...?' She had a hard time processing the information on why two people from different schools came to Gehenna.

There are three big schools that reigned the most authority in Kivotos other than the General Student Council. They were; Gehenna, Trinity, and Millennium.

Unlike Millennium which aspired for only their prowess in technology to grow, both Gehenna and Trinity weren't exactly on good terms until later after the Eden Treaty.

There is still some bad blood between them, but these days they ignore each other before any more unnecessary conflict happens.

"Ah..." Hasumi finds that the girl's attention was diverted to her.

Thinking that Hasumi could do or say something... all she could do was shake her head.

"??" That only riled up the confusion.

From other people's perspective, at the school front gate, the tall girl looked down, uncomfortable due to being in the middle of Gehenna's district.

The short girl with long hair looked at the disciplinary committee with excitement, completely unaware of the awkwardness of the situation,

And the disciplinary committee that was being looked at lost the ability to speak. She doesn't get enough rest due to the Gehenna Student Council's constant mischief every day.

For a long, long time, silence had passed, and students from Gehenna passed the three of them with both concern and curiosity.

It was only until the disciplinary committee spoke after being stared at for too long.

"A-Ahem." She coughed, "What brings you two here today?" She put her hands between her chest and looked away.

Somehow, Hasumi felt a strange sense of deja vu just now.

"Uhm," Arisu finally said something after a while, eagerly waiting for them to speak first, "This action figure, have you seen it?" She shows her the drawing she took from her pocket.

"Huh...? What...?" Just like Hasumi, she was left in distress, striving to figure out if this is either an action figure or a jumbled mess.

"Hey..." Hasumi decided to finally speak, "What she is trying to say is, we are looking for an action figure Sensei lost... that is if it's still in one piece."

"That's right! And we need your help in the quest to find it!" Arisu followed up Hasumi's explanation with her weird way of wording things out.

"Eeeh..." She looked at the two with doubt in her eyes, unable to help but deem them as suspicious.

It could be one of the many schemes the Gehenna student council is scheming, or maybe it's all an elaborate plan to throw Gehenna into peril with the combined forces of Trinity and Millennium.

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