#2 Oh, Professor...

Start from the beginning

Soon, autumn came. He was walking through the schoolyard, which brought back to him certain memories... Still, after that amount of time, he could never replace Sherlock with anyone. On the contrary, with each new girl/boyfriend, his heartache grew. 

"John! John Watson?"
"Hey, buddy, good to see you! Fancy some coffee?"

"Long time no seen, ey?"


"So, I heard you want to quit teaching."
"I guess it just lost its charm for me."

"It's a shame, you really were an amazing colleague. But are you sure the lack of 'charm' is the only reason?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing, really. I remember the last time I saw you actually enjoying your job was, what, like three years or something ago?"
"Look, there's a nice coffee shop over there!", said John to change the subject. 
"One large, dark, ey? In a tall cup." A faint smile tugged at the corner of the Algebra teacher's lips.

"Yes, please. By any chance, do you know someone who is renting a flat? The owner of my apartment, well, former apartment, is a greedy old miser who raised the rent."

"Sure, I may know somebody who is searching for a flat mate, is that works for you."
"Absolutely, I don't mind sharing."
They sat in silence for a few minutes, until Mike broke the silence.

"This guy is a younger bloke, he just started working at the school."
"Really? So he's supposed to be still at university, but got into that program similar to me?"
"Kind of. Would that be a problem?"

"I don't think, but we'll see. When could I meet him?"
"Today, after your classes are over, feel free to enter the Chemistry lab, he spends much of his time there, and tell him that I sent you."
"Oh, okay."


The whole day felt like an eternity for John. He was filled with anticipation to meet his potential new flatmate, yet a wave of anxiety washed over him. When the bell finally rang, he hurriedly made his way to the bathroom, frantically adjusting his hair and removing his glasses. The thought of trying contact lenses crossed his mind briefly, but he brushed it off. In the grand scheme of things, his appearance shouldn't matter much. After all, it wasn't a date he was going on...


John entered the Chemistry lab and nearly had a heart attack.

His former student has changed much, no doubt in that; his curly hair grew, he became paler, but this didn't make him less stunning.  

Sherlock opened his mouth, in an attempt to say something intelligent, but all he was capable of was a stuttering "Mr. Watson".

"I-I told you n-not to call m-me that. What are you, what are you doing here?"
"I teach idiotic 12th graders."
"Sounds like fun. Um, Mike, y-you know, the Algebra..."

"I am perfectly capable of remembering my teachers. Every single one of them."

"So do I, I remember most of my students."
An awkward silence fell between them.
"What about the Algebra teacher?"
"Right. He said that you were searching for a, uh, flatmate?"
"That is correct. You can come and see the apartment in person. The address is 221B Baker Street. The landlady proposes a quite reasonable price."


"See you then at, let's say, 7?"
"Works for me."


John considered both the apartment and the fee acceptable. According to Sherlock, he could move in immediately. The Biology teacher, however, still had something to get off his chest; he owed an apology.

"Sherlock, we need to talk."

"Exactly! I want to apologize for whatever happened between us and the consequences. I shouldn't have gone to your house. I was drunk and didn't think it properly through. You were only a student and you perhaps had no inkling what your true emotions were. You couldn't have possibly meant what you told me."

"John, I meant it. I was maybe younger than you, but I was perfectly capable of comprehending my emotions, albeit that might surprise you."

The air crackled with unresolved tension, leaving the outcome of their conversation uncertain, until John couldn't resist anymore. The same feeling captured him as on that memorable night.

Without hesitation, he grabbed Sherlock's collar and kissed him passionately, the intensity of their connection overpowering any lingering doubts or hesitations. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, as if they had been building up to this moment all along. Their kiss deepened, the world around them fading into the background as they lost themselves in each other. Only when the need for oxygen became too great did they reluctantly break apart, their breaths mingling as they struggled to regain their composure.

"Do you still doubt my love, Mr. Watson?"
"I love you, too and you're my student forever."



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"That lesson about the circulatory system was boring."

"Let me show you something more entertaining."


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