The Catacombs

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Currently, Olga, Chloe, and D/n were traveling through the maze network know as the catacombs. Here, this is where both royalty and non-royalty are buried. D/n pushed herself against Chloe's leg as she looked up at her. Chloe picked her daughter up and held her close as she followed Olga.

Chloe: Olga, how long are these catacomb tunnels?

Olga: They stretch for 3 miles. We should get out of here in an hour or so if we keep this pace up.

Silence sat between the two as D/n slowly fell asleep in her mother's arms. Chloe smiled and hugged her daughter in a motherly embrace. Olga turned her head back slightly and smiled as well. To think that her advisor would have a daughter at the age of 18 and be an amazing mom surprise Olga. Of course, Chloe had her strict moments, but she is a sweet and caring mother who wants nothing but the best for her daughter. Not forgetting to mention Y/n as well. Olga found
Y/n and Chloe together back when they were still slaves.

She would never forget the moment she let the two free. Chloe was grateful and immediately was by her side as Y/n was more cautious, almost like an animal to a stranger. Olga sensed something within Y/n but would never guess that he's the last living wendigo. She would find out when bodies slowly began showing up around her kingdom, they weren't dark elves or monsters, they were humans. The moment she would finally catch Y/n was when she followed him deep into the forest and witnessed his transformation. When he spotted her, he didn't attack, instead he approached her like an animal does to a human when they've known each other for a long time. But, that was the past, now she has to get Chloe, her daughter, and herself out of this fallen kingdom.

Her thoughts would be cut short when wind blew past her. To say it surprised her would be true as she flinched slightly from the cold breeze. Chloe stopped by her side, D/n still in her arms as she too felt the breeze.

Olga: We're getting close.

They continued their track along the catacombs as they suddenly felt something watching them. Chloe looked over her shoulder and swore she saw a set of dimly lit eyes looking at her. Thinking it was probably nothing, she continued moving forward, but she still kept that in the back of her mind as she pulled D/n closer.

The eyes watching the trio slowly followed them, but it didn't seem hostile. Instead, it seemed to be intrigued by them.

D/n opened her eyes as the first thing she saw was the eyes creeping up behind her mother.

D/n: Hi Mr. Ghosty!

This caused the adults to stop and whirl around to meet the apparition. Chloe looked at her daughter with concerned eyes and gave her one simple question.

Chloe: What did you say, sweetheart?

D/n: I said hi to Mr. Ghosty! See, there he is right now! Hi!

Chloe and Olga looked towards where D/n was looking and were met with a set of dimly lit eyes staring at them. It approached them as they stepped back. This didn't deter it as it floated by them and simply disappeared. This freaked the adults out and they booked it out of the area.

Chloe POV

What the hell was that!? I know that monsters exist but not the paranormal! Well, guess that's something to add to my list of things I didn't k ow existed.

Olga and I continued our trek to the bog and D/n is starting to get restless. No matter what I do, she won't stop squirming around. So I placed her on the ground and she didn't stop. I'm staring to get concerned and heard a growling sound. I could tell Olga was alerted because she suddenly stopped and looked around, I also started to look around and the growling grew louder. That's when D/n yelped. I looked down at her and noticed a small bump forming on her head, I crouched down and noticed that she was growing sickly skinny. I picked her up and fur started to sprout from her. Ears like that of a deer replaced her normal pointed ones and her limbs began to lengthen. Her skull morphed and and lengthened and sharp teeth replaced her normal ones.

She pushed herself out of may arms and didn't move. I was horrified. I tried to pick her back up but Olga stopped me. I was gonna yell at her but she gave me a look that resembles of fear and shock. D/n moved again and she let out a high pitched squeal. Olga and I covered our ears as I still looked at my daughter.

 Olga and I covered our ears as I still looked at my daughter

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A lone, dark figure was running through the forest as a loud squeal halted the figure. It stood up on two legs and roared into the air. It corrected its course and ran to the squeal. This figure is none other than Y/n in his true form.

Back with the trio

A loud roar shook the catacombs as D/n stopped moving. She looked at Chloe and Olga and and wobbly got on her 4 paws. She shakily walked to Chloe and rubbed against her leg. Chloe picked D/n up as she mewled. Chloe hugged her tight as D/n snuggled into her chest.


The 2 dark elves and baby wendigo-dark elf hybrid finally exited the catacombs and were met with the stench of the bog.

The sounds of crows and ravens cawing and the bubbling of the bog were all that the trio could hear

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The sounds of crows and ravens cawing and the bubbling of the bog were all that the trio could hear. All of the sudden, the cawing stopped as loud and fast thumping could be heard. D/n perked her head up and jumped out of Chloe's arms as she called out to her. She stopped when a dark figure jumped out of the bushes and in front of D/n.

D/n ran up to the figure and nuzzled against its forelimbs like a cat does to a human. The figure put its head near the ground as D/n rubbed herself against the skull of it. The figure was Y/n (wendigo form). He purred and chuffed as D/n purred loudly. Chloe and Olga ran up to Y/n and D/n, as he put his front leg in front of D/n defensively. The dark elves stopped and their eyes widened at the wendigo's behavior. He looked down at D/n and picked her up by the scruff of her neck as he walked over to Chloe and Olga.

He dropped D/n in front of Chloe and stepped back. He started to twitch and groan as he transformed back to his human form. Once the transformation was complete, he regained his bearings and walked to Chloe and Olga. He hugged Chloe tightly and gently pat D/n's head. He turned to Olga and let out a sigh as he sheepishly talked.

Y/n: I.........I may have........I may have forgot your staff.

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