Daddy's Home

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Back at the castle, Olga and Chloe were in the dungeons as D/n was nowhere to be seen. Chloe was busy pacing back and forth, worried about her daughter. Olga was seen sitting on the ground as thoughts ran through her head, but there was only one thought that struck out the most: 'Where is he?'

Chloe: Olga, we have to get outta here. I have to find my daughter.

Olga: Without my staff Chloe, I can't do anything.

Chloe: Olga, please.

Sighing, Olga got up and walked towards Chloe.

Olga: If one of my thoughts are correct, then think about Y/n helping you.

Chloe: Why?

Olga: Just do it.

Chloe paused for a second before closing her eyes and imagining Y/n barging into the castle and killing the Black Dog pigs. Once she was done, she could have sworn she heard something reminiscent of an elk call in the distance. Chloe looked at Olga as she looked back.

Olga: Did you hear something?

Chloe: Y-yes. It sounded like an elk or something.

Olga: Did it sound near or far?

Chloe: Far.

Olga gained a smirk on her face as Chloe adopted a confused expression. Their somewhat time of peace and quiet before a pair of Black Dog soldiers unlocked and opened the door. A man stepped through the door and looked around in the dark cell before laying his eyes on Chloe. He licked his lips before stepping towards her.

Chloe: The HELL do you think you're doing!?

???: Vult wants you in the throne room.

Chloe: Tell him he can get me himself!

???: Sucks for you then. Come here!

The man lunged at Chloe as she tried fighting back. He grabbed her by her arms as she tried breaking free. Olga tried to help but was backhanded by the other soldier. He pulled out his sword as he pointed it at Olga. Chloe reluctantly stepped out of the cell as she was escorted by the 2 soldiers, but not before witnessing the cell door she was in with Olga get closed and locked.

Making their way to the throne room, monsters and humans alike watched Chloe go down the hall, licking their lips and such. Eventually getting to the throne room, Chloe was greeted by a group of orcs and Vult sitting atop the throne.

Chloe: .........

Vult: Well, well, well, if it isn't the little defiant elf. Tell me bitch, who is the father of your child?

Chloe: Go fuck yourself!

Vult: Unfortunate. *Snaps fingers* You wouldn't want your child getting hurt right?

Chloe's eyes widened as D/n was brought into the room, bruises covering her along with scratches.

D/n: Mommy!

D/n tried running to her mother but was held back by a human grabbing her hair and yanking back.

Chloe: You bastard!

Outside the castle

Currently rain was pouring down as the blood mixed with bodily fluids washed down the roads of this once pristine castle and village. Black Dog monsters and soldiers patrolled the village for any surviving men or unlucky women. What they didn't notice however, was that a dark figure was hunched over on a roof, overlooking the village it once called home. Rage and disgust built up through its body as it noticed a cyclops standing directly below it. Slowly standing up, it started to crawl down the size of the building and near the cyclops. The cyclops was currently guarding its post when it felt a heavy weight drop down on its back. It tried to alert the other but was quickly silenced by a bite to the jugular. The beast held the cyclops down for a couple more seconds before it let go, staring down at the body, proud of its work.

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