The canyon

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Author: This is going to be a short chapter

Currently the group could be seen traveling down the narrow path down the canyon. Or in better terms, the dark elves and child were on the back of a wendigo going down the narrow path.

Y/n was taking his time going down and made sure to watch his step. Loose rocks and steep steps would mean an end to those on his back and he knew that. Halfway down the path, he could hear laughing and chattering as he looked to his left and down. What he saw made his blood boil and a growl found its way out of his mouth. Directly below him were a group of humans.

He stopped and lowered himself to the ground. Chloe and Olga didn't know what was going on but they knew he wanted them off. So that's what they did. They got off his back and he immediately jumped off the path and into the canyon. It was solid 50 feet or 15.24 meters to the bottom and he made no noise.

The group at the bottom of the canyon were scouts from a kingdom 3 miles or 4.8 kilometers away. They belonged to the Seven Shield Alliance. The group consisted of 3 women and 2 men, each had their own specialties but that didn't matter when a 600 pound, omen of death fell on top of the 2 men. The women didn't have time to react as they were quickly dispatched by Y/n. Letting out a roar of victory that echoed throughout the canyon, he looked back up to the trio and began jumping on to the rock like a damn goat. He eventually got back to the path and ushered the others on to his back. The moment they got on, he jumped back off the ledge. Chloe and Olga screamed and this woke
D/n up. The women and child were greeted by a rough landing as Y/n nearly toppled over when he hit the ground.

He regained his senses as he looked behind himself to check if the others were okay. Fortunately, they were just shaken up. D/n had no idea what was going on and just went back to sleep. After assessing if everything is alright, he went over to the corpses of the humans he killed and began to sniff them. He took a few bites out of them to satiate his never ending hunger and turned around. He began to sniff the ground and followed the tracks from which the humans came from.


Eventually, Y/n found the way to the entrance to the canyon and was greeted by a forest. He looked over his shoulder and saw that Chloe and Olga were asleep. He smiled on the inside as he began to trot to the forest. He looked over his shoulder one last time, from where he came and continued his path.

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