Let Them Fight

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Y/n: Hey buddy, you better hope one of your friends cuts my head off.

The Black Dog soldier roared in rage as he swung his sword at Y/n's head. Unfortunately, he was too slow as Y/n was already behind him and decapitated him with his sword/dagger. Y/n ran out of the room and was met with a swift kick to the stomach, courtesy of an orc. Black Dog soldiers poured into the hall as they prepared to strike Y/n down where he stood. Y/n got back up and smirked under his skull helmet. Pulling out his axe, he brought his blade to his front and prepared for an all out brawl.

Meanwhile with Vult, he and the mage were currently running to the fight as he (Vult) pulled out his sword. The moment they turned to enter the hallway where Y/n is at, they are met with 2 orcs that are both headless, armless, or legless. They looked upwards to hear clashing and see
Y/n decimating Vult's soldiers.

Back with Y/n, he is currently seen rolling over a Black Dog soldier's back and decapitating him. He then sets his eyes on a cyclops charging him as he swiftly and effortlessly dodged the attack. He raised his axe and quickly brought it down, effectively cleaving the cyclops' arm off. It reeled back in pain and let out a roar of agony and was then silenced by a slit throat. It fell to the ground squirming as 5 goblins ran at Y/n with their daggers drawn. Y/n slung his blade over his shoulder and as the goblins came close, he swung the blade in a semicircle and decapitated all 5 goblins.

Y/n: Idiots.

Unfortunately, an arrow struck Y/n's shoulder as he groaned in pain. Soon, more arrows began to fly towards Y/n. Some of them hit his armor and bounce off, others scratch it, and some of them pierce the weaker parts of the armor (joints). Y/n stood still before falling on his knees. Black Dog soldiers began to approach the downed man as they raised their swords. What they didn't know was that under the helmet, Y/n's eyes were starting to sink into his skull and smirk formed on his face.

An orc prepared to kill Y/n and kicked him onto his back. As it raised its fist, preparing to smash Y/n's face in, its neck was grabbed by a long arm. Y/n started getting up as his armor slowly dissipated and his body began to turn skinny and enlarge. His helmet vanished as antlers began to grow from his head. A wolf like skull began to sprout from his mouth as his head began to get pushed back. Blood was pouring out as quills and a tail formed on his back. Soon Y/n was replaced by his true form: The Wendigo.

The orc that Y/n was still holding looked on in fear as it stared face to 'face' with him. It tried to break free but was stopped by a hand placed on its jaw. It screamed in agony as Y/n began to dig his claws through it skin and wrap them around the side of the orcs face. With a hard yank, the orcs jaw was torn completely from its head and slumped over. The orc was dropped and blood splattered all over the floor. The remaining Black Dog soldiers stepped away as Y/n stepped towards them. Ghostly voices and screams could be heard as Y/n's mouth slightly opened.
(Think of the bear from Annihilation)

To say that the Black Dog soldiers were scared would be an understatement, they were terrified. Vult witnessed the slaughter and pulled out his sword, he pushed his men aside and stood face to face with the wendigo. Y/n stood directly infront of Vult as he slightly clenched his fist.

Vult: So.....a wendigo.....never thought I'd see one in person.

Y/n: ..........

Vult: I don't know what your relationship with those dark elves back there are but, we were going to pleasure ourselves with them. It is wrong to take away a man's livelihood.

Y/n: K̵͔̮̞͓̩̦̹̈́̋͌̇̐̂̑͝ị̶̧͕̬̜̱͐̾̄̕͜ļ̴͎̤̯̦͍͂̾̏̀͗͛͛͌̾̄͂̕͠ͅl̴̢̨͓͔̥͙̒̀̿̅̋̄̉̄̓̍̊̇̽̕̚ͅ

Vult: What-

Before Vult could finish, a clawed hand was already by his throat, ready to slit it. He rolled out of the way as the clawed hand slammed into the wall, effectively cracking it. Cult steadied himself as he swung his sword, Y/n dodged the slash and countered with an over the shoulder slash. Vult blocked the attack but was sent flying backwards. His men caught him as Y/n was staring him down. Unknown to them, Y/n was forming a plan in his head.

Vult charged forward once more and Y/n seemingly let him hit him. He was sent to the ground hard as the Black Dog soldiers cheered for their leaders' victory. Vult smirked as he approached the 'dead' wendigo. He stepped on its body as he spoke to his men.

Vult: This beast has caused our empire nothing but trouble! I have struck it down and here it lays! Dead! Tonight, we hang this beast from its guts and parade it around the village!

What Vult didn't know was that the wendigo was still alive and slowly brought its arms to the front of its body. Vult was too busy basking in the glory of such a daunting task, only to not realize the wendigo slowly shifting it body. Vult stepped off of the body when it suddenly sprung up and grabbed him. He kicked and screamed as the wendigo's grip tightened around his neck. He was pulled close to the wendigo's face and stared into its empty eyes. The wendigo opened its mouth and let out a hellish roar at Vult.

It dropped him, but not before bringing one of its long claws and slashing Vult's face. The Black Dog soldiers charged at the wendigo the moment it dropped Vult, but it beelined for a window and smashed through it. The moment it hit the ground it ran like hell. Archers shot at the beast from the smashed window and archways. Some of the arrows flew by and others hit their mark, albeit they didn't hurt the creature. Y/n/the wendigo made it to the castle walls as he effortlessly climbed up them. Looking back at the castle one last time, he let out a roar before jumping over the castle walls.

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