20: Need some help with that?

Start from the beginning

"Remember, always think before you say," Sarah warns us for the fifth time in the past hour. We're fully aware of the insurmountable amount of scandals livestreams alone cause constantly in the world of media, which is why we're so nervous. We can't say or do anything that could cause any suspicions. Not that there's anything to hide really, but one can never tell what the people could conjure up from one wrongly said sentence.

"Right, let's do it!" Jack claps his hands and steps back to let the rest of the team behind the camera do what they need to do. When they mentioned us revealing our accounts in a livestream, I was not expecting all of this. I was thinking prop my phone up against a window and get it done, but nope, we have at least 10 people behind the scenes, tripod holding up an actual camera instead of a phone, hair and makeup fixing the two of us before we go live, and a huge influx of comments going up on how excited everyone is to finally be able to speak to us directly...

All of this because we're opening up our private accounts to the public. Yeah, I still can't fathom that.

"Going live in 5!"

Deep breath in... deep breath out.

Three fingers go up behind the camera, I glance over at Lucy and we give each other firm and reassuring nods.

Two fingers, another deep breath.

One finger.

"Hi everyone!"

Our half and hour live stream is already coming to a close. I personally think we did pretty well and our nervousness hopefully didn't show too much...

The comments start flooding in as soon as we announce that we're nearing the end of our livestream, but not before answering a couple more questions. Some personal ones we consciously did choose to ignore and some even defended us saying things like: 'guys, please don't ask about personal stuff!'

'Ughhh, people don't be weird, stop asking personal questions...'

And even: 'I'm this close to throwing away my phone if one of you asks if they're single one more time! >-<'

I look up past the camera briefly where Jack is holding up a notepad with the words 'Say account name one more time!' scribbled on it. "It was so nice talking with you all, feel free to go and check out our very first uploads on our accounts: @Noahs_official and @Lxcys_official!"

"Thank you so much, see you all soon!" Our hands wave in front of us until we get the go ahead that we're no longer streaming. Our shoulders slump a bit as we let out a breath of relief.

"That was honestly so fun, but also super scary!" She leans into me, giving me a half-hug around the shoulders.

"I know..." I look up and past her shoulder to find Sebastian leaning against the doorframe with a smile gracing his features. Once she releases me from her hold, I stand up to walk over to him.

"You guys did great," he ruffles up my hair, his hand then slides down to my shoulder and he pulls me into a brief embrace before quickly letting me go before anyone could really notice. Thankfully, the doorframe to this particular room is rather thick and no one other than Lucy could really see Sebastian.

"You think so?" I try my best to hold eye contact with him, but eventually fail once his smile shifts over into a tiny smirk.

He nods down at me in response before giving my shoulder one more squeeze and leaving to possibly find Alexis who's doing a dress fitting today.

My heart is practically leaping out of my chest as I watch him strut his way toward the elevators. Lucy comes up behind me, holding my hand in hers as she looks up at me with a knowing smile. "You guys look great together," she walks off as well, not giving me the time to fully process her words.

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