006, watch party

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WHILE WALKING BACK down the mountain, q asked luna to come over to a watch party he was hosting at the dorm. he needed someone to be his moral support when florian and some other people came over. q had a crush on florian and wanted to get to know him a little better. he said kitty was the one who told him to do it but now she wasn't able to make it.

luna was gonna a bit late to the watch party because she was trying to get snacks. she quickly made her way up to dorm after buying the snacks. as she walked in, florian was walking out. "florian you're leaving?" she asked and he nodded.

"sorry i'm late. i hope i didn't miss anything." luna said putting the bag of snacks on the ground for the boys. the boys were quick to grab it. "minho spoiled the whole thing." one of the boys said rolling his eyes.

"what—wait—hey minho, isn't your mom in this?" luna asked.


she sat on the ground next to q and minho on the couch, which was definitely only made for two. q made use of this situation and took the opportunity to get luna and minho closer since he was unable to do so with florian.

"uh i'm gonna sit on the floor, this couch hurts my back sometimes. sit on the couch." q said getting up and moving to sit somewhere on the ground. luna nodded and sat in the empty space on the couch. "oh there's my mom!" minho said pointing to the tv excitedly.

after a couple of episodes, luna fell asleep because of how tired she was from the hike. she ended up falling asleep on the couch. after everyone left, minho had draped a blanket over her after she fell asleep.

it was raining and the sky lit up every so often from the lighting. minho sat on the smaller chair in the living room on his phone. the door opened and dae came in with a suit on. "you're here. oh luna too." dae said looking at luna passed out on the couch.

minho didn't even acknowledge by. "how was your day?"

"it sucked." minho said before repeating it in korean "it sucked."

"what happened earlier...uh i'm sorry. things are crazy these days." dae said sitting down across minho. he turned to dae, "i know, that's why i'm trying to help you. why are you keeping secrets from me? you didn't even tell me or anyone else you were shaking yuri all summer—and why did you tell kitty about poopy baby? are you really my friend?"

dae looked down "i'm such garbage."

"well, at least you know that."

"overwatch?" dae asked excitedly.

"fine. let's order hot wings first. and do face masks."

"you place the order!" the two said at the same time.

the door burst open and kitty came rushing in "is q here? i have eight minutes until curfew." they told her he was in his room. she then went into his room after knocking.

"hey, you still have feeling for her right?" minho asked and he nodded "you like her, huh?" dae said looking to luna who was fast asleep on the couch.


"is that why you flew back with her?" dae asked "q told me you guys hung out a couple of times this summer. how did that happen?"

"well, we were both in la and were bored, so we just hung out. we went to eat dinner once and then to a party. then she asked me when i was flying back and she asked me if i wanted to fly back with her cause she didn't wanna go alone,"


"doesn't like airports, i know."

"no. kitty said—" the boys looked at each other as they realized the same thing. "curfew!"

the two both stood next to the couch and dae tapped her. "wake up luna! curfew ends in eight minutes." minho said and the girl woke up. it took her a second to realize where she was. as soon as she did, she checked the time. "shit, curfew." she said getting up from the couch.

"okay wait before you go, if i can be honest, i saw something today. on the internet. randomly! accidentally!" he told two.

"tell us."

minho pulled up a live-streaming website and typed in a username. he pressed a replay of a stream and it took the two a couple of seconds to understand what he was showing them. "oh my god. this is horrible. we have to tell her." luna said looking at the stream of kitty sleeping in bed.

the three walked to the door of q and minho's shared room. they knocked before entering. "we need to show you something." dae said as kitty and q followed the three out of the room and to the kitchen counter where minho's computer was.

"wait." kitty said looking at the video and her eyes suddenly widened "what? my roommate put me on some weird website as i was sleeping?" she said in disbelief.

"i don't see the appeal."

"yet you somehow found the site?"

"kitty, you should move. you can't live with that girl anymore." dae said shutting minho's laptop. q nodded "i agree with dae. this is kind of sketchy."

"i tried to move. there are no other rooms." kitty explained.

"what about luna?" q asked and kitty nodded "yeah, who's your roommate. can you ask them?"

"uh well—" luna said pausing for a bit, "yuri is kind of my roommate. i know you two aren't the best of friends, but i can ask. i'm sure she'll be fine with it."

"uh thank you, but actually on second thought, i'm not taking any chances of my hair being cut off or being strangled to death by her." kitty said.

"uh how about a hotel? my driver can take you right now." minho suggested, pointing at his phone. kitty sighed "i can't afford that for an entire semester." she replied.

"i'm sure dae can hook you up with a discount at han hotels." minho chuckled and kitty glared at him "shut up, minho." she said.

"all right. just trying to help."

"okay, i have an idea. kitty should live here." q suggested. minho chuckled, "with who? dae?" minho asked.

"no!" the two said.

q turned to minho, "okay, just listen to me for a second. you and i will switch rooms. kitty can bunk with me. you bunk with dae. i mean what do you guys think?" q asked.

luna spoke up, "hey, are you sure you don't wanna—"

"no, i think it'll work." kitty said "if it's fine with you guys."

authors note

tbh not my fav chapter 😭

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