001, welcome to seoul

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SEOUL HAD BEEN luna's home for the past four years. she moved from america with her family during the summer when her dad took a job offer in korea. at first, luna was skeptical about moving to a new country, but after a couple of months of exploring, luna learned to love korea. she loved the food, the culture, and most importantly the city.

when it came time for school, she enrolled in a international boarding school called KISS, the korean independent school of seoul. it was a relief that she was able to go to school with classes in english and have others to talk to. she was able to speak some korean now, but not fluently.

the school had everything she wanted and more. there was a nice outdoor area around the campus, the cafeteria had some of the best food, the library was humongous, and there were some nice people there too.

kiss was a school nicer than luna could have imagined. in her first days there she met dae, q, and minho. dae was one of the nicest people luna has met, q instantly liked luna and welcomed her, and minho was minho. he was a pain in the ass at first, but then warmed up to her. yuri kind of became friends with her after many businesses dinners with their family.

this year, she spent her summer in los angeles visiting family and friends. now that the summer ended, she had to fly back to kiss alone. her family was gonna stay a bit longer in la with her extended family. luckily, she somehow convinced minho to fly back with her since he was visiting his mom who was filming in la.

"first class you may now start boarding."

minho and luna both stood up to board their plane. minho was wearing gucci from head to toe, from his glasses to his snake collared shirt to his shoes and bag. while luna wore prada from her shirt to her duffel bag. "woah." one of the girls said looking at min ho as he passed by.

as they walked to the gate, a girl stopped them, "um excuse me." she said when min ho accidentally hit her with his bag. the two of them turned around to look at the girl. the girls eyes suddenly were focused on the tag on their duffle bags that said 'kiss' rather than the fact he hit her with the bag. "wait do you guys go to kiss?" she asked "i'm going to kiss!" she exclaimed.

luna was gonna say something, but minho beat her, "no english." he turned around and lead luna away from her with a hand on her back before she could talk. they stood in line to board and luna spoke to him in korean "hey, you can't say that all the time." she scolded him. he did that to q when he had first met him.

"like i'm gonna see her again." he responded which made her roll her eyes. "she literally said she was going to kiss you idiot." she told him.

the both of them had a tom and jerry type of friendship. as much as they fight and tease each other, they still really do care for each other. which is as reason why minho agreed to fly with her. she hated airports, not airplanes, but airports because it really stressed her out. although he'd never admit it, he really did care for the girl.

"god i have to survive 13 hours with you on a plane." luna said switching back to english. "you'll survive." he said as they entered the jet bridge. "give me your duffel." he said holding his hand out.


"cause you're gonna hold everyone up trying to put your bag up." he said and she raised her eyebrows, "i'm serious." this was another instance of him caring about her and not wanting to admit it. she always teased him when he did this kind of thing. "yeah, sure."

"just give me it." he said taking her bag.

they entered the plane and smoothly got to their seats. minho took their bags and put it in the overhead compartment next to each other. luna put her backpack down and fell into her seat. there was a divider between their seats and minho put it down and poked his head around it just to annoy her a bit.

this was gonna be an extra long flight.

many hours later, their plane touched down in korea at incheon airport. after a couple hours of annoying luna, minho fell asleep for most of the time. it was a relief for luna because she could finally relax on her flight back. she watched movies, ate, and did a face mask on the flight without min ho bothering her.

after they landed, the two quickly headed to the baggage claim and found the kiss shuttle that would take them back to the school. although luna saw some of her friends, minho asked her to sit next to him because he didn't want a "fan girl" to sit next to him. she knew he had none, but still sat next to him anyways. she put her headphones over her ears and looked out the window of the bus as it drove.

even though she'd been in seoul for four years, she was still in love with all of the buildings and the views. there were so many things yet for her to try in seoul. it felt like every couple of weeks she'd find something new about the place or find a new place to eat. although it was rough at first, she was happy now that she moved here.

authors note

if the grammar is bad it's bc i wrote it half asleep 😭 anyways thank you for all the love so far <333

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