002, the pen pal

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THE BUS DROPPED all the kids off in front of the kiss school. luna opened her eyes as someone shook her shoulder. she realized that the bus had arrived at the school. she looked up and min ho was the one shaking her shoulder. "come on, slow poke. we're here." he said as she got up, flattened her hair, and grabbed her bags.

"i'll see you at the welcome party." luna said as the two went in opposite directions. luna was headed to the girls dorms and minho to the boys to check in. luna was lucky enough to have a double dorm room with yuri. her things were already there, but yuri wasn't. she said she was talking to her mom about something important.

luna checked in and went up to her room. the first thing she did was throw her bags on the ground and jump on her bed. she was exhausted to say the least. she set a timer on her phone, took out her welcome party dress, and fell asleep.

when her alarm went off, luna woke up and rolled out of her bed. she felt a little better, but she was still exhausted. she then put her makeup on and put her dress on. she left her dorm and went down to the party.

the party was decorated in mostly white with blue lights lighting up the room. students stood on tables talking, eating, drinking mock tails, and taking photos. luna looked around the area and soon found minho, and q. "wow you look good luna. pink is definitely your color." q said complimenting the girl on her satin pink dress.

"thanks, q." luna smiled.

"you look decent." minho said and luna rolled her eyes and mocked his voice in a higher tone. "nice too see nothing has changed, tom and jerry." q said as someone hit minho's shoulder on accident, making his drink spill.

"oh my god! i'm so sorry!" the girl said.

"god. watch where you're going." minho scoffed.

it turns out, it was the girl from the airport, "so you do speak english!" the girl said looking up at minho. q and luna laughed "busted." the two said at the same time. q passed a napkin to minho. "welcome to kiss." minho said tilting his head sideways.

"i told him he couldn't keeping doing this." luna said slapping the back of his head and handing him more napkins. "uh—ow!" minho said looking at luna with wide eyes.

"don't feel bad. he loves to pull this move on people. he did it to me the first time we met." q said and minho complained wiping his shirt down, "goddamm it, q, this is bespoke!" he exclaimed.

"shut up about the clothes, look at our boy." he said looking past the girl in front of him. luna turned and saw dae walking in. her was in a very nice suit with his hair gelled back. "where did dae get that suit?" minho asked.

"yo, dae!" q called him over to them,

dae paused as he looked at the girl in front of the three. the two both ran towards each other and hugged when they met in the middle. "how exactly do they know each other?" luna asked and the boys shrugged. they watched them talk until yuri came up to them. luna watched the three of them talk until the girl ran away.

"what's up with yuri and dae? did we miss something?" minho asked. the three shrugged. they never thought they would see the two dating each other. after a couple seconds of silence, luna decided to change the subject. "uh okay—anyways, how was your break, q?" luna asked.

"good. how was la? i know you visited family." q said and luna nodded "yeah, i haven't seen them in like three years. it was so nice to see them." she responded.

after a couple minutes of talking, the girl came back up to them. "excuse me." she said making the three turn towards her. "this girl treats korean guys like pokémon. she's trying to catch them all." minho said turning to q and then back to the girl "not interested."

"get over yourself. i'm looking for dae." the girl said.

"i'm sorry, who are you?" luna asked with pure confusion. the girl responded "i'm kitty song covey." she said as they all had this look of realization on their faces. "you're kitty?" q asked.

luna finally realized this was the girl dae had been writing to for so many years. "oh my god. kitty." she said covering her mouth. she's heard so much about her, but never got a face to match to the name.

it took the girl a couple of seconds to respond, "wait are you q? track star, fellow american, heart of gold?" the girl said and q nodded. q was surprised that she remembered all of that. "guilty as charged. i feel like we should hug right now. should we hug?" q asked.

"maybe later. i need to find dae." she said urgently.

"so you're the pen pal?" minho chuckled.

"if he's q, then you must be minho. of course you are. then that means you're luna. you're the ones who i saw together at airport. you guys are a thing right?" kitty asked.

"ew no!" the two both said at the same time.

q turned to the two, "wait you guys came back together?" he asked raising an eyebrow at the two. before they could answer kitty spoke up again. "where's dae?" she asked.

luna pointed toward the entrance where he was standing with yuri. she left the three and went up to him. "huh, this night keeps getting interesting." q said as minho left to get a drink. "back to before. you guys flew back together? both of you would never agree to that. i'm surprised you survived a flight together. did you guys hang out this summer in la?" he asked.

"no." luna answered as q gave her a look that he knew she was lying, "okay maybe once or twice, but it was just dinner and a party." she shrugged.

"yeah just a dinner and party." q said sarcastically.

"wait—a party? did you guys like kiss? make out? did you guys you know—" luna cut him off,  "q! oh my god! no. he just invited me, we talked, and then went our separate ways at the party." luna explained.

"i cannot imagine the two of you hanging out." he said as minho came back. "no, you told him! you're the last person i would want people to hear i was hanging out with this summer! it's not good for my fans." he said adjusting his hair.

"first of all, you hang out with me all the time at school. second of all, you don't have any fans—" luna said as she was interrupted by crashing. they all looked over and saw kitty who crashed into the tower. "what you've never seen a girl crash into a dessert tower before? nothing to see here people!" she then slipped on cupcakes as she tried to walk away.

"nevermind you're not the last." minho said as they saw the girl on the floor.

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