
Start from the beginning

Tommy covered his mouth, holding his breath, afraid they'd hear him breathing.

"No, I don't think I have. I've been busy all day so I haven't really been looking out the windows." Ranboo lied, his voice steady. "Alright, thank you, anyways." Phil said. "Mhm! Good luck!"

The door closed.

It was quiet, still.

Ranboo came back around the corner, meeting eyes with Tommy.

"Was that..." He paused. Tommy nodded, chocking on literally nothing except for his emotion-flooded mind and the lump in his throat.

"It's alright, they didn't know you're here! Uhm...where are you from? I don't believe I've seen anything about a missing person lately." They said. "Nobody reported me missing, I- I really meant it when- when I said I don't have a-anyone."

Ranboo nodded.

"Come sit down. You can tell us what's going on and then we'll take you to the police station or something." Tubbo said with a light smile. Tommy nodded, slowly walking over and sitting down with the two.

"Ok, well first, how old are you?" Ranboo asked. "Sixteen. ...You?" Tommy replied. "We're both nineteen. Our son is seven." Tubbo said.

"Now...do you wanna tell us what's going on or do you need a little time? I can get you a water or something." Ranboo said. "I- I don't- I don't know." Tommy replied, running a hand through his hair.

Tommy didn't know what was wrong with him. He was fine before, why was he so out of it and confused now?

"Ok, uhm...I'll be right back. I'm going to go make a call to the police station if that's alright with you. I mean, I don't really know what to do for you besides that." Ranboo said. Tommy nodded. "Do you wanna stay here?" Ranboo asked Tubbo. "I'm gonna check on Michael." Tubbo replied.

He then stood up and walked away.

"Alright, you just stay right here. I'll be back in maybe five minutes." Ranboo said, earning a nod before he walked away.

Tommy sat in silence, chewing his nails.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Ranboo was pulling out their phone and dialing the local police station's number.

It rang just a few times before someone answered, saying the name of the station and asking what she could help him with.
(Can't think of a fake name)

"Hi, uhm, a teen boy just knocked on my door a few minutes ago. He's very delirious and I just- I'm not sure what to do. He says three guys are after him. I think he may have been kidnapped?" Ranboo said into the phone. "Oh! Oh, dear. Can you tell me his name or age?" She asked. "Yeah, he said his name is Tommy and that he's sixteen."

Ranboo leaned, looking around the corner, seeing Tommy on the sofa, biting his nails.

"Tommy...sixteen..." She mumbled to herself, "I'm not seeing any missing persons reports for a sixteen year old Tommy for the past year around here. Do you know where he's from? Or maybe how long he was with whoever is after him?" She asked. "No, I don't. He hasn't said much." Ranboo replied.

"Can I have a description of him? Maybe that'll help." She said. "He about five foot ten, short blonde hair, blue eyes...uh, he's white? If that matters? I guess it does, anyways." Ranboo said.

"Hm. No, I'm not seeing anything." She said. "Well, I asked if there was someone that I could call for him, like family, but he said that he didn't have anyone. I'm assuming there wasn't anybody to report him missing?" "That would make sense." She exhaled.

"Is he injured?" She asked. "Uh, his arms and legs are cut up some. Nothing big, though."

"Ok," She said, "I'll send a couple of officers out to pick him up and bring him in for questioning. What's your address and name?" "Oh, I can bring him to the station!" Ranboo replied. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yeah, it's no problem!" "Ok, then. Whenever you get here, just ask for Officer Nihachu. That's me."

After a few more words, they hung up, and Ranboo went back into the sitting room.

"Hey, I'm gonna drive you down to the police station so they can ask you some questions. Do you just wanna leave your bag here?" He asked. "Why...would I leave it?" Tommy replied. "Well I figured you don't really have anywhere to go, so you can stay here until we find you somewhere. We have a spare room."

Tommy nodded, sliding off the rucksack and letting it lay behind him as he stood up.

"I'm gonna go get Tubbo and Michael, and then we can go." Ranboo said, jogging out of the room and up some stairs. They knock on Michael's bedroom door before opening it, assuming that's where the two were, which he was proven correct.

"Hey, I'm gonna take Tommy to the police station and I don't want you two here alone with three potential kidnappers close by." Ranboo said, leaning on the door. "Ok, come on, Michael, we're going out for a little while." Tubbo said, picking up Michael. He got Michael's shoes on him and then they all went back downstairs.

"Ok, come on, the sooner we get there, the better." Ranboo said to Tommy who was already waiting near the front door.

They all went outside, and Ranboo saw how Tommy looked around and glanced over his shoulder like he was looking for someone, which, he was.

Then they got into a small, yellow car that had some hand-painted bees on the doors; Ranboo driving, Tubbo with Michael in the back, and Tommy in the passenger seat; and they drove off.

Words: 1,560

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