Chapter 25 - Heaven and Hell

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Toby saw Gus Blue for the first time since the plane heading to Benco Falls. Toby laid still in the car for ten seconds, contemplating in his head. A lot of things had happened for Toby, and he could barely take it anymore. The reintroduction of Gus Blue became yet another problem for Toby to handle.

"Listen to me Gus, there has been too much going on in my life right now. I will drop you home, then you will never have to see my face ever again," said Toby.

"What about the Novus Ordo Seclorum? We could destroy them once and for all. I have friends that are loyal to me. They could help," replied Gus.

"I was with a group of people called the Patriot's Council. We thought that with the help of the police force, we could arrest and kill some of the members. We tried to kill that narcissistic freak of a man, Harry Roots. But they were ready for us. The Novus Ordo Seclorum defeated us. They are a federal problem. I don't know how a 15 year old like you would be able to destroy them. They cannot be stopped," said Toby.

Gus sat silently, holding his rage at Toby's remark of Harry. Gus was now only loyal to the Novus Ordo Seclorum. But now, Gus was forced to work with his newfound enemy.

The two remained silent in the car until Toby got to a couple of blocks away from his home. Toby got out, and Gus followed suit.

"Do you want to get shredded Gus? Well if you help me push this car off of the road into that ditch, that way we don't get caught," said Toby.

Gus was boiling inside. He could not wait for the inevitable downfall of the scientist.

"I understand Toby. But please do not send me home. My brother has not been happy about my criminal actions. I need a place to stay while all of this blows over. Please Toby, I know that you are a good person. Just let me stay for a week, then you will never have to see me again," said Gus in what seemed to be a sincere tone.

"Why were you even arrested in the first place?" asked Toby.

"Because I beat up a stupid prick that goes by the name of Johnny Wilson. He called the cops on me. I kept wailing on that asshole. Every last punch was the justice that he deserved. That kid should be on death row. But the cops saw a vulnerable kid who was getting beat up. Of course they believed him instead of me. And that was why I got put into that car," lied Gus.

"I believe you. You just seemed so sincere about it. I have never met any liar that could make me feel bad. I can talk to Bearington about this. He could pardon you of all wrongdoing. I'll let you stay until Friday. I do want to talk to somebody about trying to defeat the Novus Ordo Seclorum," replied Toby, walking to the intersection at Dixon Street and Newman Avenue.

Toby tossed his keys to Gus. Gus read the apartment number and opened the door into Toby's home. It was modern and spacious. Gus sat down on the leather couch and took a nap.

Toby Winters sat alone on the same park bench. He waited for a long time in the scorching hot sun. There, he saw a familiar figure. Bloodshot stood on the opposite side of the intersection. He jaywalked through the intersection to where Toby was sitting.

"What is this about?" asked Bloodshot.

"You are the only reason that the assault of the Donna wasn't a complete failure. You are quite possibly the greatest shot in the world," replied Toby "Get in my house, it is nice and cool in there. I might be smart, but you have more talent with a gun."

"My dad was the best shot. He had more guns than you could ever imagine. I have tried looking for his weapons for the past five years of my life. I hate the Novus Ordo Seclorum. You know who also hates them? The anarchists. I can get them to work with you," replied Bloodshot.

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