{Adrenaline} {Part ll}

Start from the beginning

"Hm, that's nice. When are you going?" Colby asked with his normal tone. Corey let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

"Around Six - thirty.." Corey said as he took out his phone to fake a phone call.

"Hold on I got to take this" Corey said as he put the phone up to his ear. Corey walked out of the room as he left Colby at the door confused. Colby shrugged it off as he decided to call Sam. He missed Sam, even though he was only gone for a few hours. The phone rang once, twice, thri-

"Hellooooo?" Sam answered. Colby smiled and looked at the ground with the phone up to his ear.

"Hey dude, when are you coming home?" Colby asked. Sam chuckled as he shook his head lightly.

"I'll be there in about thirty minutes dude. Corey's there right? Just chill with him till' I'm there" Sam said as he left the mall doors. Colby frowned slightly as his eyes widened in realization.

"Wait- dude? Uhm- Is Devyn home?" Colby asked as he looked behind him to check if Corey was near.

"Huh? What do you mean? She left yesterday to go on vacation. Are you okay?" Sam asked. Colby's breath hitched slightly as he wondered who called Corey. If it wasn't Devyn.. maybe it was Aaron. 

"Yeah- I think I'm fine. It's just.. Corey-" Colby cut himself off as he decided to just continue in a whisper. "Corey's been acting weird ever since the incident.." 

"Well, I think hes just scared.. It probably brings bad memories or something." Sam said as he shrugged it all off.

"But this is different Sam. He seemed angry. Not scared, Angry. Almost like I did something to him." Colby said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Colbs.. I think you're overthinking again." Sam said starting to get slightly annoyed.

"No- Sam, what happened when I was held hostage upstairs? What was Corey's reaction?" Colby asked as he nervously tapped his foot on the floor while biting his nails. Sam took it into consideration and started to think. What was Corey's reaction?

"Well.. he looked at me with wide eyes and then handed me a knife." Sam explained as he started to think more about the situation.

"How would he know that I was hurt though?" Colby asked. Sam let out a sigh, clearly annoyed.

"Dude, you're going to be fine." Sam said as he closed his car door. Sam started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I- Sam.. I just have a gut feeling. Why would he lie about having a date with Devyn? I'm not saying that hes going to murder me or something, I'm just saying.. what if he cheats on Devyn or he's in some sort of gang and gets hurt?" Colby said, clearly concerned and nervous.

"Colby, bro, you're going to be fine, Corey will be fine. Corey's loyal anyways. He would never cheat on Devyn." Sam explained.

"Sam- please just take this into consideration more. I- I don't want anything to get ruined again. I'm scared and I need you bro. Every time I have a gut feeling something happens. Whether it's being chased by coyotes, cults, almost getting murdered in my own home, someone pulling pranks, getting arrested and any sort of bad situation I get in I always have the same gut feeling and yo-" 

"Colby, stop ranting dude. I get it! You'll be fine. I'll be home soon." Sam cut Colby off, clearly annoyed at Colby's overthinking. The line went dead. Colby instantly reacted in a nervous way as he ran up the stairs. Colby slammed the door to his bedroom and flopped on his bed. Trauma was getting the best of him. He remembered every detail. Being thrown onto the floor, shouting for help, pleading for it to stop internally, being held at gun point and he could never forget the terrified look on Sam's face. 

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