{Get your hands off of him!}

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!Attempted SA!

"Hey Sam?" Colby asked from the other side of their shared hotel room. They recently had an idea to go to Fazerug's tunnel and spend twenty-four hours there. Of course they did. What Colby didn't know is that Sam had brought the Ouija Board from the traphouse. He was planning on pranking Colby with it.

"What's up Colby?" Sam asked, while scrolling through Instagram. He was looking through all the ideas and hidden passageways through Fazerug's tunnel. 

"Are you ready to go yet?" Colby asked, getting his blue sweater from the stool.

"Yeah, Did you pack the flashlights? And the Ouija Board" Sam joked, Colby looked at Sam in worry.

"Y-You brought the Ouija?" Colby asked, Sam chuckled at Colby's wide eyes. Sam walked over to Colby and grasped his shoulders lightly. Sam lifted Colby's chin and responded with,

"I'm just joking, calm down Colby." Sam chuckled and patting Colby's back. Colby sighed with relief. 

"Don't say shit like that!" Colby exclaimed while chuckling a little. Sam smiled at his best-friend, but started to worry slightly. Because he did bring the Ouija board.. There's no turning back now though. He already promised the fans that he would prank. Sam sighed, Colby didn't notice thankfully.

"Alright let's go!" Colby shouted while he grabbed the keys to their room and walked out the door with Sam following beside him. Sam smiled and made sure that they had everything.

"Flashlight?"  Sam asked.

"Yes." Responded Colby, with a slight laugh.

"Granola bars?"  Sam asked with a stern look. I mean, If they got lost they needed their food to save their energy. Colby unlocked the car doors.

"Mhm." Colby responded, while pretending to act annoyed. Colby tossed Sam the keys as Sam started to drive.

"Penny boards?"  Sam asked, with a smirk, knowing he was annoying Colby with all of his questions.

"Yep" Colby said popping the 'p'

"Camera???" Sam asked, acting like he was worried.

"Yes, Sam. Yes! We have the cameras, we have all of the equipment, we have everything we need!" Colby exclaimed, while throwing his hands up in the air, over-exaggerating. Sam chuckled as they arrived at the tunnel. 

"We should start the video now." Sam said, even though he already started the video.


"What's up guys! It's Sam and Colby- Well just Sam for now... Because, I'm going to be pranking Colby and Fazerug's tunnel tonight!" Sam exclaimed while reaching for the Ouija Board beside him and lifting it up.

"Basically, I'm going to bring Colby to Fazerug's tunnel and say that were filming an exploration video, Except what Colby doesn't know is that I'm going to bring the Ouija Board and act like I get possessed!" Sam said, shaking the Ouija Board slightly to show his excitement to the audience.

"So, I have to act like I never did this intro. So if you wonder why there were two intros, this is why." Sam says as he sets the Ouija Board down.

"See you all soon!" Sam exclaimed as he turned off the camera.


"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby!" Colby shouts from the passenger side, showing a lot of enthusiasm. Sam laughs lightly and turns to the camera.

"And today, We will be Exploring Fazerug's hole!" Sam says as he and Colby chuckle lightly and Sam's tiny joke. 

"Fazerug, If you see this, don't kill us, please." Sam jokes with a fake worried look on his face. Colby chuckles lightly.

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