{Adrenaline?} {Part l}

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Sam and Colby were getting home from their last TFIL video, which was super exhausting! They're coming from New Zealand with Corey. Elton stayed behind because he was meeting up with more friends to make a ton of content for TFIL. Sam, Colby, and Corey were all still on the plane back to LA, It was raining lightly with a little thunder, but either way, it was a pretty calm plane ride. Colby was sleeping, Sam was wide awake, staring out the window and Corey was eating the planes horrible Blueberry oatmeal, since it was cold it tasted horrid. 

"Yo, Sam!" Corey whispered, patting Sam's shoulder slightly. Colby was in between them so Corey made sure not to hit Colby in the process, if Corey did, He would never see the light of day again, because of yours truly, Sam. Sam's protective as fuck, he would basically kill anyone who decided to lay a finger on Colby. The feeling was mutual between the two. Colby would die for Sam, Colby would also kill for Sam. They hoped they would never be in that position though.

"What?! You better not wake up Colby!" Sam whispered back, staring intensely at Corey. Corey chuckled a little and just nodded slowly, looking down at his hands. Corey grinned, thinking of a menacing plan that Sam wouldn't like. There's a ton of things that Sam doesn't like, but he didn't know that yet. The future held a lot in front of him, but nobody noticed.

"Sam, the plane is landing soon anyways.. So I should wake up Colby." Corey joked, trying to awaken a pissed off Sam. To nobody's surprise, It worked. Sam glared at Corey, Sam noticed that it might not be a joke. Sam clenched his teeth, glaring at Corey with menacing eyes.

"Don't. You. Dare.." Sam said through clenched teeth as he stared into Corey's deep brown eyes. He stared so far down, to the point where you think you could see Corey's soul fly out of his body. Corey shuddered lightly, but didn't give up yet. He was going to piss off Sam.

"Three.." Corey started, while lifting his hand up to shake Colby. 

"No! Corey! No!" Sam whispered with clenched teeth putting a protective hand in front of Colby.

"Two.." Sam glared at Corey. Sam was going to kill him.

"One!" Corey shouted, the whole plane looked back at the three boys, one was waking up slowly, another was staring at the other with a death glare, and the other was frightened out of his mind, thinking he would be six feet under the ground as soon as he got off the plane.

Colby's head turned as his eyes fluttered open, he groaned while putting his hands in front of his eyes and turning towards Sam and cuddling up to his shoulder. Sam's face softened when he felt Colby cuddle into his shoulder, Sam patted Colby's head and then went back to giving Corey a death stare. Giving him a, 'Once we are off this plane, you might want to call Devyn and run as far away from me and Colby' 

People were starting to get off the plane, except for Sam, Colby and Corey, because Corey needed to run for his life and Sam was waiting for Colby to wake up fully. Sam was still glaring at Corey and Corey was staring back, but with a more fearful look in his eyes. Colby groaned and his eyes fluttered open. Colby looked up to Sam and Corey, he chuckled a little at their faces.

"What's wrong Sam?.." Colby asked, while grabbing Sam's hand gently. Sam was standing up in front of Colby. Sam's gaze turned to Colby, his face softening at the tired look on Colby's face.

"Nothing, just the fact that Corey woke you up." Sam growled, looking Corey dead in the eyes. Corey stepped back with his hands in front of his chest, in a defensive manner. Colby chuckled, and squeezed Sam's hand.

"Let's just get off this stupid plane." Colby said, getting up from his cushioned plane seat. Sam nodded and got off the plane with Colby and Corey. Sam pointed to his eyes and back at Corey, 'I'm watching you, so don't try shit.'

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