Rant Away - TW

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Frustration coursed through my veins as I stormed towards the garage, my face flushed with anger. Toto had once again orchestrated a situation that snatched victory away from me, all in the name of ensuring Lewis Hamilton took the race win. The bloody golden boy.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, and it wasn't the first time i had to swallow it, multiple times this season its happened, this was going to be the final time.

"Can't have one fucking win to myself." I muttered as I pulled my in-ears out and threw them inside my helmet in my hand.

Toto saw my face as I approached the garage and began walking in my direction to obviously 'clear it up' before i went off on one. Not today Toto.

"Fuck off. I don't want to speak to you right now." I went to walk by him but he stood in my way.

"We can talk about this calmly." Toto said holding his arm out so I couldn't sneak around him.

"Im done talking calmly Toto." I scoffed, shaking my head as I continued to walk away.

People around us began to stare, sensing the tension between us. But I couldn't bring myself to care about their curious glances. My focus was solely on getting to my driver room and punching something before i punched someone.

Toto's large paces caught up with me quickly and he grabbed my arm gently but firmly, causing me to spin around and glare at him.

"We are talking about this, just not infront of cameras." He began pulling me towards his office. I resisted at first, but he managed to guide me inside, shutting the door behind us.

"I really haven't got the time for you right now, i really just want to punch that stupid smirk off your face." I stood cross armed infront of him as he leant against his desk.

He didn't say anything, just continued to look at me and raise his eyebrows.

"You think you can just control everything, Toto? Manipulate the race to suit your agenda? Frankly, I've had enough. I deserve a fair chance, a fair fight. But you're always there, pulling the strings to ensure Lewis takes the glory." I paced the room back and forth as my frustration flooded out, "Its not the first time and all i want it to race. That was the dream and I'm not having it ruined by some jackass sexist of a boss who favourites his little golden boy Lewis."

Toto watched me impassively, his face a mask of calm despite my outburst. I expected him to interject, to defend his actions, but instead, he did something unexpected. Toto closed the distance between us in a few swift strides, his hand coming up to cup my cheek, effectively silencing me.

His lips crashed against mine with a fervor I had never experienced before. The frustration and anger that had consumed me mere seconds ago were replaced by a whirlwind of confusion and desire.

I pushed off of him, breaking the kiss, my breath ragged. "What the hell, Toto? I was in the middle of ranting, and you can't just...just kiss me!"

"Toto released his grip on me, his expression a mix of surprise and regret. "I'm sorry," he muttered, his voice laced with sincerity. "Please continue. I shouldn't have interrupted. Rant away."

"As... i was... you know saying." I just stopped

I stared at him, flustered, my mind racing with a myriad of conflicting thoughts. His presence overwhelmed me as I took in his disheveled hair, his intense gaze, and the way his lips still seemed to tingle against mine. I struggled to find my voice, my eyes inadvertently scanning Toto's features—his strong jawline, intense eyes, and the way his suit hugged his form. I faltered, momentarily speechless, as our eyes met.

Toto raised an eyebrow at my prolonged silence, his voice breaking the awkwardness. "Are you done?"

The sound of his voice snapped me back to reality, and I quickly nodded, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Yes, I'm...I'm done."

As soon as the words left my lips, Toto surged forward once more, capturing me in another passionate kiss. This time, the intensity of his embrace stole my breath away. The world around us faded into oblivion as his lips moved against mine with a fervor that mirrored my own conflicting desires. It was as if all the tension, all the frustrations, were being channeled into that single moment of connection.

It was still wrong.

But just as before, I pushed him away, my breath coming in short gasps. "No, Toto," I managed to say, my voice a whisper. "It's still not okay to do that, I'm angry at you. If anything this furthers my sexist point."

Toto's expression shifted from desire to remorse once more. He took a step back, his back hitting the edge of his desk. The room fell into an awkward silence, the weight of our actions hanging heavily in the air. Toto ran his hands through his hair as he sighed.

"Oh fuck it."

Before Toto could respond, I closed the distance between us, I reached out, cupping his face with my hands, and brought my lips crashing against his with an intensity that mirrored the storm of emotions swirling inside me. Our lips moved in a synchronized dance, tongues intertwining as if seeking solace in each other.

His arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly, his hands sliding perfectly around the small of my back. My fingers entwined in his hair, pulling him closer, losing myself in the moment. The office seemed to shrink around us, the outside world becoming irrelevant, as we reveled in the fierce connection that had sparked between us.

Breathless and yearning for more, we finally pulled apart, our foreheads resting against each other's. The room felt electrified, the tension palpable as we struggled to regain our composure.

"I'm sorry, truly sorry for what I did. It was never my intention to confuse or hurt you," he murmured, his voice filled with remorse.

I exhaled, feeling a mixture of relief and vulnerability. "Apology accepted," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath, "I'm not so angry any more." I said, causing Toto to chuckle.

"Good." He smirked, "I think we have more pressing matters to deal with now."

"Umm. Yeah." My cheeks flushed red as i realised the finite distance between us, my arms still draped around his neck.

"Talk over dinner?" He said leaning behind him and picking up a small cars and handing it to me, "my room is 607."

"Ok then." I smiled, taking the card.

"Go and change though you stink like champagne." A smirk formed on the corner of his lips, his eyes locked with mine.

"Good idea." I said and turned around to walk out of the room but Toto kept hold of my hand.

He held my chin gently with his hand, guiding my lips towards his and softly placing one last kiss on my lips.

"See you later." He winked.

I left his office and went straight to my driver room to tidy myself up and the mess i had left before the race.

What the fuck just happened.

I need to clean up my head too it seems.

I met Toto later that day and it was not the last. Out of the medias eyesight, corners of the paddock, sneaking into hotel rooms. We made it work. Our relationship blossomed and despite how angry i was some days at him, i would come home to open arms, in which he would entrap me in until i stopped being angry.

It was just us.

We came out to the media 4 weeks before Toto jetted us off to Thailand on holiday where he proposed on a beach to our favourite song. I became Mrs Wolff 7 months later and i look back at that moment in the office as it was the greatest decision of my life, despite it being stupid at the time.

Sometimes stupid decisions are the best ones in the end.

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