Spin me right round - DR

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Request for @Ella262726
I'm a big skating fan and have skated for years myself but injuries are my best friend :/ This gave me inspiration and I wonder would y'all want a book based off this one shot? Let me know ;)

"The two Australians look up to the scoreboard. It's taken them so far to get to this point, will they be on the podium?"
"I'm thinking so, that performance was exquisite for a pair that have only been able to practice together for a year."

I jumped out of the chair in excitement, we had done it. With all we've been through to get here, the partner change, the injuries, the setbacks; it didn't matter anymore, we had done it.

We received our medals and did a few laps, waving to the fans who had travelled to see us. A camera turned to focus on us and I blew a kiss into the lens. We exited the ice and I placed my guards on my skates, I took Brendan's hand and followed him over to the interview area.

"So not your first Olympic medal Y/N or Brendan, but both your first in ice dance... and together. How are we feeling?"
"I'll let him start because I'll start crying again." I chuckled and Brendan began talking, i nodded along every now and then.
"How are you going to go celebrate?"
"I don't know about Brendan here but I'm going to go back and home and watch the Aussie Grand Prix." I chuckled and Brendan rolled his eyes, laughing.
"Who are you cheering on?"
"After our success today, it would be rude to support anyone else but team Australia itself so, Daniel Ricciardo,"

Daniel POV

"Why are you watching the olympics? You are meant to be training!" Michael said as he appeared at the door of my room.
"What? The Australians just won bronze!"
"Have you been crying?"
"It was a beautiful performance ok!" I said defensively, wiping my tears.

"Daniel Ricciardo, if you are watching this, which you are probably not, if you win I'll do a shoey with this skate."

"Did she just talk about you?"
"Yep." I said smirking, "she's a big fan."
"As if." He rolled his eyes before sighing, "You better go and win then."

I chuckled as Michael left the room, I opened my phone and took a photo of the screen, with Y/N and Brendan on it. I added it to my story with the caption 'beautiful performance guys!
challenge accepted, see you there🇦🇺⛸🍾' and pressed post before jumping up and heading to the gym.


I walked through the paddock for the first time in ages and took some photos with fans who noticed me passing. I was hanging around in the paddock club with some other Celebs, I even met Hugh Jackman! I realised I needed the toilet so began wandering around trying to find one. In the end I got lost and saw a random guy in a Redbull shirt and decided to ask for directions.

"Hey can you tell me where the toilets are?" I asked and the guy spun round, it was Daniel Ricciardo himself.

This man looked like he was sculpted by gods, I obviously found him attractive, who didn't? But seeing him in real life was just a whole other experience. I felt my cheeks flare up red and I think he noticed as he began to smile. Ugh, that smile, is just perfection.

"Y/N, nice surprise! I'll walk you there so we can talk." He grinned. I began to follow him as he led me through some corridors.
"So I watched your performances. Might of even shed a tear..." he started and I turned to face him.
"Really?" I said and started unconsciously grinning, "I mean it's weird to find normal people who find the beauty of sport like that. I never expected you to be one." I chuckled.
"Im a man of mystery..." he smiled at me and stopped in his tracks, "they are on the left there." He said pointing to a door.
"Thank you so much. I owe you one."
"How about a skating trip?" He said unexpectedly and I shot my face round to face him.
"Uhh ye, come find me after the race and I can se did I can organise something with Redbull and-" I rambled and I didn't notice Daniel moving closer towards me.
"I meant just you and me, come find me later." He interrupted, almost whispering in my ear. His breath sent a chill down my neck and before so could turn to face him, he placed a kiss on my cheek and turned around, walking off and leaving me flustered and confused in 20 different languages.

I still blush thinking about that day we met, Daniel then went on to win and as promised I did a shoey with my skate. After the race I met up with Daniel and he insisted on taking me out to dinner to celebrate, little did I know thing was the start of something much bigger and beautiful then I could ever imagine.


Two years later and I'm now retired following Brendan and I's AustralianNationals Gold. Daniel had proposed to me at a beach the same night and I of course said yes. I was so happy and in love with him and now that I'm retired, I can travel the world with him, rather than being separated by stupid time zones for 80% of the year.

Despite the whole retirement thing, I still had my love for skating, as it always felt like home. I remember having a fight with Daniel which ended up with me at the rink, practicing some choreo from Olympics as I knew that was the time when I was on top of the world. Daniel always teased me how Australians aren't normally made for the ice and don't spend as much time as I do there, but it's what he admires about me.

"Baby, are you packed for Bahrain?" Daniel called up the stairs to me.
"Yep!" I said appearing at the top of the stairs with my suitcase.
"Why have you got your skating gear on?" He looked at me puzzled.
"Because I'm finally taking you skating. The flights aren't until tonight and the rink is ours for today."
"God you are full of surprises." He said grinning.
"And that's why you love me." I said slumping my suitcase at the bottom of the stairs and kissing him on the cheek.

We entered the ice rink and I slipped my boots on quickly, I went to help Daniel tighten his but he insisted he was fine, so I went on the ice.

I hadn't been in a while, Daniel and I were in a great place and I found a better escape from life in him. I glided my hand along the ice, picking up some ice on my fingers and rubbed my hands together.

"Are you coming?" I shouted as I skated past him.

He stood up and quickly grasped onto the wall for support, I watched over my shoulder as he carefully got onto the ice. He looked like an absolute Bambi and I couldn't help but giggle.

"It ain't funny, some of us aren't Olympic skaters." He said glaring me down.
"I wasn't laughing at you darling, I was laughing at how cute you look trying to not fall over."

I skated up to him and stopped so I was in front of him. He looked at me and I held out my hands for him to take. He seemed cautious for a second before letting go of the wall and aggressively grabbing my hands, his eyes met mine and he instantly relaxed and smiled.

"Just bend that knee slightly and push. I'll help by pulling you along." I said and Daniel attempted to push with his skate, but generated nothing out of it.
He glanced down at his feet and I lifted his chin back up so he was looking at me.
"Look at me and relax." I said and his shoulders instantly dropped and relaxed fully, he tried pushing again and this time began skating forwards, a massive grin formed on his face.
"Did you see that?" He said, very proud of himself.
"I did." I chuckled and without him knowing, I let go of his hands, letting him skate on his own. It took him a full lap of the rink to realise and when he did he made an oh sound before grinning in pride.

I took his hands again and began to turn which caused Daniel to grasp onto me tighter. I chuckled and kissed him, feeling him smile through the kiss.

"Is it bad I can only think of you spin me right round baby, right round." He said beginning to sing.
"For gods sake." I laughed
"How do you spin properly?" He asked.
"Want me to show you?"
"Of course." He said letting go of my hands, allowing me to skate off.

I skated off into the rink, leaving Daniel. He watched me, his smile growing as he saw me enjoying doing the thing I love most in this world, second to him of course ( ;) ). It's the reason he fell in love with me, my passion and admiration for the sport and how I showed that same admiration towards him. He couldn't wait until our wedding in July, the day where he could finally do what he's been waiting to do since the day we met. Marry me.

Watching me skate, he was falling in love with me all again, just like he had done all those years ago.

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