Jealousy - LN

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Request from: LilithLilac63

Before I start I just want to point out I absolutely love Lu and Lando, no hate to them or their relationship.🧡

"I'll race you to the top of the hill!" Lando shouted over his shoulder at me as he began to get a head start.
"Oh that's unfair you got a head start!" I shouted back.

I've known Lando since we were 5, when he offered to let me play with one of his toys at a party of one of our mutual friends, Max. Never did either of us think we would become best friends for the rest of our lives. Well we was 5 so probably not.

For years now I've travelled to every race with him as his best friend and partner in crime, but for a couple years now it's felt different... for me atleast.

Maybe it's the maturing into an adult... Maybe it's the copious amount of time spent with him...
Maybe it's been there all along...

But I was falling for Lando.

Not just falling for him. It felt like a falling off a cliff into the abyss falling for him. He hasn't known how I've felt for the past few years, as I was scared it would ruin our friendship if he didn't feel the same way.

He was still single, and I am the only girl in his life, even if we were just friends. That gave me a sense of comfort in a way, no other girl had him, but I wanted him to be mine so desperately. It hurt every time he said the words friends as I wished we were more than that every day I see him.

I watched him now, smiling, as he ran up the hill. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to tell him, just the two of us alone. Something we didn't get much with his work and living in the Quadrant house.

"Guess you won then?" He said sounding out of breath.
"Yes I did. You got a couple hairs sticking up there. Let me fix it." I said rustling His hair to make it look worse.
"Oh that's made it worse. You are horrible to me you know." He said nudging me whilst I laughed.

Soon our laughter faded and we stood there just smiling at eachother, we was never awkward around eachother really so this was unusual.

"I've got something to tell you." We both blurted out at the same time.
"You go first." We both said again and chuckled.
"Same time?" I asked him
"OK. 3... 2... 1..."
"I like someone." I said.
"I'm dating someone." He said at the same time.

He what.

I felt my heart shatter into a hundred tiny pieces.Each one shattering even further until they were just dust. He was dating someone? Who was this girl? I planned to tell him I love him and he is with another girl. How stupid am I? The pain shot right through my chest and I forced a smile to hide pain in my eyes.

"Is she imaginary?" I joked, hoping he was lying, but his face remained serious, "Lando is dating someone." I repeated in my head, I had to let it sink in for a moment before I smiled at him again, "So who is the lucky woman?"

She was most definitely lucky alright.

"Ye. Her name is Luisinha and you will love her. You know this doesn't mean I am spending any less time with you. I'm your best friend after all."

There it was again. Best friend.

"I'm sure I'll love her, anyone who is lucky enough to have your heart must be amazing." I said through a fake smile.

"Great. Now... who is this mysterious man you like? Someone I know?" He said nudging me but I remained still, pulling chunks of grass out the ground and pulling each leaf apart.
"Noone, don't worry about it. It's not like I am dating him so it doesn't matter." I sighed heavily.
Lando shuffled closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder before leaning his head on mine.
"You know you should tell him, you never know what might happen." He said.
I mumbled into his chest as I breathed in the sweet smell of his cologne and held back my tears.
"It's awkward."
"Why? Is he a friend or is he taken?"
The irony, am I right.
"Something like that." I sighed.
"I know who it is..."
Surely he didn't right? I felt my heart slip a beat before he spoke again.
"It's Max isn't it."
"I always knew you had a thing for him."
Oh boy, if you just knew.


Fastforward a few months and we was sitting in the train station waiting for a train to London which was delayed.
Lando is still with his Luisinha, unfortunately, and every day I got more and more jealous of her. She was gorgeous and skinny and everything I am not. She even speaks Portuguese for gods sake.

When Lando told me she was coming on our winter wonderland carnival game spree with us, I felt like I had just been shot. They was sat across from me and Max in the train station both giggling with eachother and I simply scoffed and slouched in my chair.

"How long is this train going to bloody take?" I asked sulkily.
"Oh come on Lilith. Can you just put the fact that you hate her to one side for one day. One day." Max sighed turning to face me.
"No, because she has stolen my best friend away from me, not only the man I love. Last week, Lando cancelled on our Mariokart night again to go see her, and guess what, they played mariokart together. Next thing you know she is going to become a golf superstar and kick us both off the course to play with him alone."
"You are just being jealous now. Stop it."
"I'm not wrong. He promised me when they got together that nothing was to change between us. Now I see my parents more than him."
"Your parents are dead-" He said confused.
"That's the whole point dimwit. I feel like we never see him anymore and it hurts." I said.
"It's ok. If it makes you feel any better, I think you snd Lando would be better for eachother."
"Thanks mate. Real boost of confidence there." I said sarcastically as I watched luisinha laugh once again at something Lando had said. This time her eyes met mine and she gave me a dirty look before turning back to Lando all happy again.


"Lando look. It's the dance game from when we were little. Fancy getting beat again?" I said to Lando as we passed the stall. He turned to look at luisinha, who had been glued to his side all evening and nodded before running onto the machine next to me.

"You ready to get smashed?" He said shaking his body to loosen his muscles.
"Whatever Lando." I said pressing the start button and the music blared though the machine.

We perfectly did every move and it was like we was kids again, going on it for the first time. Both of us jumping between each side of the machine and tapping the floor tiles in sync.

By the time we was finished, we was both out of breath and stumbled over to Max and Lu, who was texting on her phone rather impatiently.

"God that was fun. I missed that." Lando said chuckling and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I felt a shiver go down my spine and sneaked out of his hold as I felt Luisinha's eyes glaring at me.

We then got hot chocolates and went and sat on the ferris wheel. Obviously, luisinha felt a little intimidated by my presence and therefore ushered herself and Lando onto a separate one to Max and I.

"See what I mean now. I cant spend five minutes with him." I crossed my arms sulkily and buried my head into Max's chest.
"I think she sees you as a threat, but it's not like your crazy in love with her boyfriend." He said sarcastically.
"Shut up-" I said going to playfully slap him so he would shut up but I heard lando shout oi down to us and I looked up to see him waving. I put on a fake smile, and waved back to them both.
"See, being nice isn't that hard." he said as I slumped back down my smile instantly fading.
"She's so gorgeous that I have to hate her. She is perfect for him and I don't know why I can't accept that and move on.
Tell me what you would do in my situation."

I couldn't accept it. I had fallen so hard for Lando it was eating me up every minute that she spent with him. Each one taking a little chunk of me and just discarding it, eventually there was nothing left and now I just feel empty when I see them. I cant describe the regret and remorse I felt from not making him mine sooner. Moving on wouldn't work, every guy I tried talking to didn't even compare to how I felt.

It just goes to show how quickly things can be ripped away from you I guess.

"Do you want what is the moral thing to do or what I think you should really do, which isn't that moral?"
"The truth. Just give me the truth."
"Just tell him. Tell him you love him, always have done. Because I can tell you now... he is in love with you too and has been for years."

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