The new Girlfriend- MV

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Request from Littledream223


Max and I have been best friends for years. My parents were always close with the Verstappen family and we'd go on holidays and spend literally every waking minute with them.

Our dad's both raced together in F1 and our mums loved to support them as they travelled the world. I used to love going to races, the noise, the hustle and bustle, the screech of the wheels. Its what I would call home.

Our parents couldn't always take us along to races so Max, Victoria and we often got left at home with the Nanny. The takes where we did visit the track, we would cause havoc and run through the paddock, nicking scooters and tools to play with.

I remeber how Max would always be on the scooter and I'd be on the 'radio', (extremely loud shouting) telling Max to "box box." Then he would scooter up to Vic, who would pretend to do a pit stop using the wrench and he would scooter off again. The mechanics would always clap or laugh in out direction as if we were the cutest things in existance.

Nowadays, Max is still that same child, just a lot bigger and also in a F1 car rather than  that small scooter. He always dreamt of being like his father in that sense, driving for a living. He now races for Redbull, one of the most competitive snd successful teams in recent years and I am extremely proud of my best friend.

Me on the other hand, I went to Uni for a few years to study media and public relations. Max couldn't wait to hire me as his PA and soon enough I was wearing the same red bull top as he did. We brought apartments in Monaco together, mine just being one story above his. We always argue over who has the better view but really, we are just glad to live close to eachother. We travelled the world together as best friends doing the jobs we love, also as neighbours. What more could we want?

There were perks to earning the amount of money we do at our age, we could go to some of the top clubs and bars in the world and party until the sun rises. We often did this after a race and would 100% feel like shit the next morning, but in the wise words of Danny Ric, no regrets only memories. I was happy making these memories for life with my best friend.

However, living right above him and working with him every second did have its downsides. Let's just say Max's track record with girl friends is not the best and most if the girls he was with, well... they were... No. I didn't like them.

I dont know what it was, I would meet them and just decide I disliked even single one of them. Obviously, I didn't tell Max that, as he is a bit sensitive in my opinion, but it was pretty clear when I hated them or not.

That's the problem with being best friends with someone, you can see the disaster coming but you have to let them ride it out. In the end they will come to you for help when it all goes wrong and you will always be there for them. That's how it works.

It just seemed I was doing this a little to often than I should. I could hear every argument, every break up, every girl that Max would be with shouting through the ceiling. I felt bad for the man, he had zero stability in his life at some points and it affected his performance some days, for weeks even.

That's why I was wary when he told me he had met someone new, Kelly. As in Piquet, Kelly. She was also just out of a fresh relationship with someone and they had met at the red bull team party last month. I wouldn't remember, I was too busy drinking to remember that night.

He was so excited to tell me about Kelly and I sensed that something felt different this time. He seemed more relaxed and even had a slight twinkle in his eye when talking about her daughter Penelope. Max was always big on family, despite the fact that his was very broken. He didn't seem to care about the fact she has a young child with another man or the fact that the man was the guy he replaced at redbull. He just talked for hours about Kelly and Penelope, I knew from that moment he was serious about her.

I met her for the first time a couple weeks later, we went out for dinner at this nice Italian restraunt. I managed to click with her straight away and our conversation flowed very quickly. We talked for what seemed hours and at some points it felt like we disregarded Max a bit.

Over the year, I hung out with Kelly more and more, to the point where I think she sees me more than Max some weeks. We went shopping whilst Max was at training or in London, we would also go on girly holidays to get away from work. She was lovely.

"I'm pretty sure you are stealing my girlfriend from me." Max said to me one time after Kelly and I had just booked our next trip, this time to Dubai. He just chuckled and shook his head before returning to his simulator.

Kelly's daughter Penelope was an angel in herself too. She loves to play dress up and dollhouse, she even insists on sleepovers with her favourite Auntie. She has a heart of gold just like her mum and the way Max treats her as her own just warms my heart.

He loves to play dress up with her, often being the dragon which her shining Knight in armour has to save her from. Max had changed since he got with Kelly, he seemed more relaxed and happy with her around. He had not only gained a girlfriend, he had gained a family, and he was the best step-father you could know. He was a child, himself and always wanted kids of his own but I think this is way better.

That's what I thought over as I slumped down on the sofa after a hard heavy night of drinking, Penelope playing with her dolls with Max as he struggled to sit upright.

He had invited Kelly and I on another night out last night to celebrate his win, and we all ended up very very drunk. It was to the point where Max fell over trying to open the door to the hotel suite. Kelly and I couldn't hold our laughter in and hat to sit down on the floor to stable ourselves.

Kelly handed me a glass of water and an aspirin before walking back off towards the shower. I sipped my water and watched as Max and Penelope played together, Max glanced up to see me looking and smiled. I smiled back and he continued their game.

That's the smile where I knew she was the one.

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