Fake it til you make it- GR

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It was a lovely day outside so I decided to take a book and a glass of Prosecco onto the little balcony that joined onto my hotel bedroom. I had been sat in the warm Monaco sun for a few hours in my swimming costume when I heard a knock on the door. I placed my book down and wandered back through the room to open the door.

George stormed right past me and slumped on the bed, he was still in his Williams top and jeans so I guessed he had come straight from the track.

George is my best friend of around 5 years now, we met through a mutual friends birthday party and instantly bonded when we discovered each other's hate for social events like them. Since then, I've began studying at Uni and George pursued his formula one dream.

This year was his third in formula 1, however it was the first year that I have travelled around with him. I always wanted to travel and decided to take a gap year to travel with him as he raced around the world. So far this year he has done well, leading up to todays Monaco GP and I think the extra support from his friend helped him there. Especially when he went through a break up a couple months ago with a girl he loved, as much as I wanted to slap his face and tell him to get over her, I had to be there to support him.

"Who, what's up with you grumpy face?" I said slumping down next to him as he sighed.
"I need help."
"Well we all know that-" I joked trying to lighten his mood.
"Not that kind of help. Mum and Dad want to meet my girlfriend."
"But you- Oh." I said as I realised, "you still haven't told them?"

For fuck sake George.

"No. I kept going to, then I didn't. That's why I need your help, what do I do?" he said and sat up. I rested my head on him shoulder and wrapped my arm around him.
"How about you just call them up and tell them that you broke up. The truth."
"I can't. Mum was so excited over the phone and..." he said and paused as he looked at me.
"And what George?"
"I've just had a thought... how about you come with me and pretend to be my girlfriend."
"Woh George, I know we are a bit emotional but there's no need to think irrationally-" I said pulling my head off my shoulder and staring at him.
"No. It would work you know, and it would only be a one time thing I promise."
"George. Are you sure?"
"Ye I mean what can go wrong? You are my best friend and know the most about me out of everyone I know."
"One time. You promise?" I sighed.
"I promise."

He held out his pinky to me and I took it reluctantly.

"Oh by the way you owe me ice cream after this."
"Most definitely, you are a life saver."
"Do we have to make it look real?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"However real you feel comfortable with. You are the one doing me the favour."
"I'm comfortable with everything but-"
"Toes." He finished my sentence and we both chuckled. I sighed into his shoulder and he checked his watch, "are you ready to go?"
"Well unless you want the world to see your 'girlfriend' in her swimsuit, I might need to get changed." I said sarcastically gesturing to my attire

I got up to pull a white dress out of my suitcase followed by some platform sandals. I slipped the dress over the top of my swimsuit and slipped the sandals on my feet before turning back round to George who was sat looking at something on his phone.

"Shall we?" He said looking up.
"Yep." I said following him out.

A week later - England

"Are you sure they will like me?" I said ash leg bounced uncontrollably in the passenger seat of George's Mercedes.
"They will love you. Trust me." He said placing a hand on my thigh to calm my leg down. He left it there for the rest of the drive to his parents house and only moving it away to change gear. He apologised as we pulled into the drive realising that he had done that unconsciously the whole way.
"Don't be silly, it calmed me down slightly and you can't apologise today. I'm your girlfriend remember."
"Ok miss girlfriend, remember the plan?" He said smirking.
"Get through the day, have dinner, seem convincing enough, leave and have ice cream and a massive nap to celebrate."
"Great plan." He said chuckling and opened the door to get out.

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