Jojo/Carlos: "JILL!" 

I pull out my Assault Rifle as me and Carlos both start firing on Nemesis together, Nemesis takes aim at Carlos who narrowly misses a rocket but the force still slams him into a wall! 


Carlos fires again but this time begins unloading on the bazooka itself and is able to cause it to blow up on Nemesis both knocking him back and rendering the Bazooka useless! 

Jojo: "YES! Nice one man-aaaand he's passed out"

Carlos passed out from the hit he took now, Nemesis gets back up from where he was knocked into with one of his sleeves on his coat completely blown off, Nemesis begins walking back towards me and Jill intent on finishing us the old fashion way with his RPG gone. 

Jojo: "Jill! stand back! I got this, trust me" 

Jill nods and gives some room between me and Nemesis as I begin walking towards Nemesis before I stop and point a finger at him

Jojo: "Hear this monster, I am Jojo Wanderer and I will be the one to destroy you!" 

Nemesis then stops walking himself after getting closer as we stare each other down

Nemesis then stops walking himself after getting closer as we stare each other down

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Jojo: "Not stars, like I said I'm Jojo you freak, Jooooojooooo, and I've been saving something a little special for you" 

I do a sumo pose and slam one of my feet to the ground as I activate the Nanotech from the Wearable Nano suit Addon i had gotten before this! the Nanotech quickly covers my form and my height even increases to be more even with Nemesis's height. 

The Suit hums alive with power and even my hud is changed to work with the new suit, once the Armor is fully on I look Nemesis dead in his eyes before I speak (with a cool effect on my voice cause of the suit)

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The Suit hums alive with power and even my hud is changed to work with the new suit, once the Armor is fully on I look Nemesis dead in his eyes before I speak (with a cool effect on my voice cause of the suit)

Jojo: "Lets see how you handle someone in your own weight class"

*Boss battle Music activated*

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