The Clocktower

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After exploring some more me and Jill walk into a room with a bookshelf were we hear someone approaching as we both turn around, Jill armed with a shotgun and me armed with a Carbine, turns out it was Carlos.

Carlos: "Ah it's you guys! looks like we 3 managed to survive! Maybe we can start helping each other again." 

Jill: "Yeah it's been rough, but we can rest now"

Carlos: "No, we're the only ones left so no rest for the wicked, here's a gift for you"

Carlos hands Jill a sort of vest to help her hold more equipment. 

Carlos: "Alright we need to ring the bell at the top of the tower to give the signal for the helicopter once it arrives, I'll stay here and secure the floor but can you guys head up and ring the bell?"

Jojo: "You can count on us"

As Carlos heads in another direction me and Jill begin heading up after finally unlocking the stairs to ascend the tower

Me and Jill after some climbing and treading make it to the top of the tower in the room with the bell...which required another Puzzle to ring it for some reason, I had Jill sit back as I wanted to try at least doing one puzzle on my own.

which required another Puzzle to ring it for some reason, I had Jill sit back as I wanted to try at least doing one puzzle on my own

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

After 10 long minutes I finally cracked the Puzzle! I think I startled Jill once I finally shouted that "I GOT IT!"  

Jill: "Finally, next time let me do the rest though ok?"

Jojo: "hey I had to get one! you can't deny me at least one puzzle...I had to sooth my pride somehow"

Jill: "Heheheh, you're lucky you're a cute dork you know" 

Jojo: ".....wait what was that last-"

Jill: "Now ring the bell so we can go!"

aaaaand she's gone...probably didn't mean anything, I ring the bell as I can hear our rescue approach! me and Jill head back down and outside to meet where they'll pick us up

Jill: "We're saved! it's finally over"

Jojo: "Indeed....why do I feel like I'm forgetting something Important?"

Just as I say that a rocket hits the chopper and sends it crashing into the courtyard! 

Jill: "NO!!"

Jill and I look over to see Nemesis with that Bazooka of his aimed at us

Jojo: "Almost forgot about you!"

A rocket is fired at us as me and Jill jump in different directions to avoid it! As we do Nemesis jumps down and walks over to us with rage emanating from him


Before Jill can do anything, Nemesis shoots out his tentacle at her like a spear and pierces her in the shoulder with it! as Jill gets wounded in the shoulder from that Carlos also finally arrives jumping over the wreckage of the chopper.

The Player of Games (Gmod / Multiverse)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin