Chapter 13

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                                                                       ****Xmas Function**

Mon was stuck at a red light  when she suddenly heard the distressed horn of a truck and literally jumped in her seat when she saw the blue lights of a traffic car next to her.

It all happened so fast, that her heart was pounding in her chest.

She looked over at Emily who was in a alcohol induced coma and back at her hand that was gripping the steering wheel,the ring gave off a shimmering light in the dark,it was beautiful but..

The traffic light changed to green.


Mon quickly got out of the car and ran up to the front door that opened before she coud reach it.

"Hey Mon",Jasmine greeted.

"Hey Jazz didn't expect you guys to be home."

"Yea i wasn't planning on getting stuck in a rain storm", but I don't know which is worst,this or the freezing cold back home."

"The freezing cold obviously" Mon replied and Jasmine agreed, "anyway can you help me with that one over there,Mon pointed at Emily."

Jasmine laughed.

Fuck someone's totally pissed.

"Oh and by the way Mon congrats on your engagement Em texted us.", Jasmine said as she hugged her.

"Thanks Jazz" Mon smiled but was surprised that Emily didn't inform Jazz about the engagement beforehand.

"Well someone's on cloud nine",Jasmine whispered.

I'm sorry Jazz, i'm still in shock i guess.

I understand,anyway let's get your "wife to be" in bed.


Mon was laying next to Emily when her mind went back to earlier that evening.

"What a night", she thought.

She came face to face with Adena's rage,Nita appearing like a ninja out of nowhere,the gang being so tipsy and it was a sight to behold,it made her smiled even through the tears that had silently escaped her eyes because there was Sam with the defeated smile, who had followed her just to congratulate her Mon thought.

They were hidden away from all the chaos and no words was spoken between them as they held unto each other but the vibration of Sam's phone broke their moment.

"You need to pick that up",Mon told her.

Sam nodded and let go of Mon as took the call.

Mon could tell it was a business call the way Sam's features and voice changed.She was  in business mode.She was KhunSam.

A smile escaped Mon's face as studied her.What a gorgeous being,she thought.

"No make it 45mins, it's at the Headquarters",she heard her say.

"I know very well what could be at stake here, but i don't care because i'll do whatever it takes.."

"Need i remind you, that i'm your boss?",Sam asked her lawyer but was looking at Mon.

At that Mon rolled her eyes and Sam smiled for the second time that night.

It's time to end this call John.If you want us to close this deal,I need you to let me go.Sam turned her back to Mon as she was saying those words.

There was silence.

Goodbye Sam,Mon whispered

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