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It was already Friday morning when Mon's phone's buzzed in bed.

"Mon speaking..she answered lazily."

Good morning to you too,here i thought you would be happy to hear my voice darling.I had a lovely time in Phuket by the way,thanks for asking.

"Sorry Em i didn't even check the caller id,i'm still in bed,half asleep but i'm glad you enjoyed it."

Sounds cozy can I come over and join you?she teased.

"Mon's instantly had a flashback of Sam barking at her like a little puppy and licking her like..uhm.."

"If you want my parents to freak out then sure, by all means Em,Mon made an excuse, well kinda."

I can't wait for us to go home,people over here are way too old fashioned for my taste.

"Mon rolled her eyes.If Emily had the power to change culture differences and a country's rules and laws just to have things her way,she would do that.Not that she doesn't bend the rules back home,her family's influentia,l so of course."

Petal did you fall asleep on me or something?

"Mon faked a yawn..I'm sorry Em,still tired i guess."

At least your officially on holiday and not slaving away at that company.In a few weeks we'll be breathing some fresh air in Hawaii and frankly i can't wait because the air over here is killing me.This Government really needs to step it up and do something about the pollution problem.

" really need to.."

Oh yes i almost completely forgot why i called.What is the dress code?I didn't exactly pack for something like this but i hope is not some silly theme party kind of nonsense and what do you think petal,should I wear my hair up or just let it loose?

"Mon pinched the bridge of her nose."

"Go for semi formal or smart casual,just as long as your comfortable and wear your hair however you like,you look good either way,Mon added not to sound indifferent or to give away her already irritable mood."

Are we going to take a rental or should i organize something else.

"No don't don't worry the company will provide us with transport."

You know what, I'll just organize a personal driver,there's no way I'm getting into a buss full of unruly people.

"Em will you relax?we're going with a company car."

Oh good,at least someone had a brain,but too bad this wasn't in the UK where people treat you like a VIP whenever you're next to me.

"Right..Mon said sarcastically."

Gosh petal i've missed you so much these past couple of days, i can't wait to show you, if you know what i mean,anyway i got to go, till later then gorgeous,bye..

"Bye Em.."

Emily's chaotic energy was emotionally draining her,Mon thought, and she was starting feel constrained.

"Mon sighed and opened the drawer to take out an envelope that was addressed to her a couple of days ago.Just like the Latte's,the invite also magically appeared on her desk,and it all carried the same scent,Miss Dior."

"She inhaled the smell and her heart began to race as it did that day when she first saw the writing on the envelope."

"Deep down Sam was always a hopeless romantic despite her quirkiness,love turned Samanan Anantrakul into a ball of mush,she became the meekest little lamb but it also did the opposite, right now she was being bold,provocative,a big show off,hostile and unforgiving,she had the tenacity of a lion and was showing her canines because she was finally going to meet her match Emily "a worthy opponent".

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