Chapter 5

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                                                                    ****March 2020 SamMon residence ***

It was already 9am when Mon woke up to ticklish doggy nibbles that made her laugh.

Good morning mummy's little baby, are you copying daday now? Aww you sweet little munchkin, let's get up and and get you a snacky because daday already gave mummy her brekky Mon flashed her eyebrows at that and blushed at the thought of what happened in the early mornings in the secrecy of their bedroom before Sam left for work.

Mon  had two casual relationships before Sam but she couldn't deny that Sam was an amazing lover who turned her world upside down, but Mon gave just as good as she got.

                                                                  ****3 Weeks Prior***

Sam was up and about getting dressed for work while Mon was still in bed.

Babe?? Sam called from inside their walk-in shoe closet,did I tell you that I had a meeting  with Nita the other day?

No,about what? Mon frowned.

I'm thinking about investing in her company,Sam closing her eyes bracing for Mon's response.

Sam I swear you didn't want anything to do with her two months ago,what changed??

I don't know, she looked desperate and yes two months ago Kirk proposed to me the same idea but you know Kirk and his bad ideas..

And now all of a sudden you decided that it's a good Idea because she looked desperate??

Sam who was still trying to figure out what shoes to wear,questioned herself why she owned so many shoes.

Babe why do I have so many shoes?I don't know what to wear Sam sulked.

Wear your YSL's and don't change the subject and also don't think I forgot about Nita who flirts with you every chance she gets,that woman has no shame.

Really Mon?this again? and by the way she flirts with everybody,she literally flirts with you also.

Right, I'm sure if Nita flirted with me she would've been out on the streets with no place to go.

Am I really that harsh babe?seriously?Sam asked with a confused expression on her face strapping on her shoes.

That's not you being harsh sweetheart, that's actually Khun Sam being nice.

Well Khun Sam can't control her emotions when someone tries to lay claim on what belongs to her ,Sam mumbled under her breath and smirked.

Anyway babe like I said there's nothing to worry about.You are working yourself up over nothing.Nita is just being Nita.

Oh my goodness really?really Sam?are you that oblivious or are you just pretending not to notice?Mon questioned as she stepped into their walk-in closet but Sam stood up and touched Mon's face gently.

Mon,you consume my thoughts from sunrise to sunset.I find it impossible to talk to other women without comparing them to you and trust me babe they always fall short.You are my world don't you understand? Whatever I have becomes meaningless if it's not you that I'm sharing at it with.So yes babe,maybe I'm obvlious or maybe I just don't see anyone else but you,but can you blame?she said as she was scanning Mon's body from top to bottom who was still wearing her pj's.

Mon who was left speechless grabbed Sam by the neck and kissed her passionately but it was Sam who took her by the hand and lead her to bed where she showed her repeatedly that she's the only one who Sam wanted.

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