Chapter 6

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                                                               *****Saturday 7am Adena's Boudoir***

Mmm..Morning lover,feeling any better?Adena moaned as she sneaked her arm around Sam and kissed her shoulder.

I'm tired Adena.. not now.

You don't have to do anything she purred as her hand moved below Sam's belly button.

 Please,I'm not in the mood okay?she said as she stopped Adena's hand.

C'mon just..

 I said, I'm not in the mood.

Fine!My gosh..

What has gotten into you all of a sudden?This morning it felt like I was making love to a dead corpse Sam.Is there something that you're not telling me? besides the incident.

No, Adena I'm sorry,I guess I'm still upset over what happened,she said as she got up to get dressed.

 Okay I get it ,I get it. I'm sorry know that I can always get her fired..,she said with a smirk.

 Sam turned around and gave her a look that would make the devil tremble.

Excuse me?What did you just say?

I said I can get her fired?the incompetent valet who trashed your car this morning?Geez, bite my head off will you? Look, if you're going to be in this mood just leave ok,I've got to go see the wedding planner anyway.

Sam's heart sank but she quickly regained her composure and inhaled deeply.

Do you want me to go with you?She asked with a plastered smiled which was enough to gain Adena's favor.

Oh baby,Adena cooed,I thought you would never ask but maybe it's best that you take care of your car first,I don't want or need any distractions, she said as she pecked Sam on the lips.

You sure? Sam asked, feigning interest.

 Yes i'm sure, you're just going to sulk over a car but you can always make it up to me? she said as she took Sam in an embrace.

Sure, why not, Sam smiled and kissed her.

Mmm..that felt so good,I almost feel like staying but I can't keep the wedding planner waiting,now can I.

No you can't, that would be rude Sam agreed.Go take your shower I have to be on my way.

 Oh and by the way lover? thanks for cancelling your flight to be with me she winked and threw Sam a kiss before she walked into bathroom.

As soon as Adena was out of sight Sam's face fell, she brushed off her lips with the back of her shivering hand and stared at it .

What the hell is wrong with you.


Morning Auntee,Morning Uncle, Yuki greeted,I just dropped by to return Mon's purse that she left in the car,Is she up yet?

Morning hun,No she's still in bed cuddled up with Singha who doesn't want anything to do with us, but maybe you can try to get them out of bed.

Let's see Yuki laughed,knowing how much they love and missed each other,oh and Auntee there are shatered glass all over the sidewalk,I can go pick it up quickly if i can get the dustpan.

No honey it's fine,I will do it quickly, probably these teenagers being up to no good again,it's that time of the year she smiled.

I know exactly what you mean Auntee,I have a gazillion nieces and nephews Yuki laughed as she ran up the stairs

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