Chapter 9

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Mon was up early to get Singha ready for his playdate.Sam didn't exactly specify at what time she was arriving so Mon walking around in her mini pj bottoms and an oversized tshirt with bunny slippers.

Singha was busy chewing on a ball when he suddenly jumped up and scrambled to the door.

Morning my little baby boy Sam cooed and Singha wiggled his little body.Morning Mon Sam smiled.

Morning..uhm you're early, Mon said feeling a little embarrased at her dishelved look with Sam staring shamelesly at her.

Yea I wanted to come as early as possible, there's this thing that I still have to attend later today and you look cute by the way.

Mon blushed and smiled because she didn't know how to respond to Sam's blatant flirtation.

Anyway, I think we should be on our way,Sam bent down and called Singha who came flying like a jet into her arms and as she was getting up he wiggled out of her arms and ran back to Mon,he ran back and forth like that for a couple times, entertaining he's confused parents.

Singha,came mum Pohn voice, you're are going to wake Grandpa up,stop your running boy.

We don't know what has gotten into him Auntee,maybe I should take him on a playdate another time, Sam said trying to hide her disappoinment but Mon could tell she wasnt happy.

No he's going on that playdate honey,he's just confused,he can't decide if he should go with you or stay with Mon because he's used to go on walks with the both of you,so i suggest that you go get ready Mon and join them,that's if you don't have a problem with that Sam?

Yes,I mean no Auntee,of course I don't have a problem.Mon you are welcome to join us,Sam rambled nervously.

The only word Mon uttered was "thanks"because she didn't know what on earth just happened.

So I'm going back to bed, but before I go I just want to say something.

Yes Auntee,Yes mum the answered simultaneously.

Please don't try anything stupid while you're out there.

Oh my gosh mum, why though?..Mon facepalmed.

Mon i'm being serious,I don't want any trouble and the only reason why I would ever allow this is because I genuinely care about you Sam and because i consider myself Singha's grandma, but you're getting married and Mon is in a relationship,so please, don't you ever forget that.Like I said,I don't want any trouble.

Of course Auntee, we don't..there's nothing.We will be back early because I'm meeting my future in laws.

Great,as if I asked for this.Mon mumbled.Annoyed at her mum and Sam's future in laws.

I'm going to shower..


When they stepped outside Mon was surprised to see a gorgeous red beauty parked in front of her house.

Oh let me guess, Blood Moon?Waxing Gibbous?Mon teased.

Are you making fun of my ride Sam jokingly asked,knowing that Mon didn't mean any of it,in fact she knew Mon secretly loved the celestial names that she gave her cars.

What do you think?you show off,Mon said as she checked out the car and saw the personalised number plate. Ha ah,hell no, Hot? you named her Hot? out of all things in the entire galaxy,you settled with Hot? seriously Sam, I didn't peg you for someone who would name her car "HoT" and I still don't, but I guess Adena must be hot right? Mon teased but it also made her feel some type of way.

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