(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper

Start from the beginning

AUBREY sighed lightly as she looked to BASIL with a hint of concern. "How you feeling, bud?"

BASIL looked to her, surprised she'd ask this, but gave a gentle smile. "O-Oh, uhm, I'm fine, honest! I know P.E was a little much, but I don't feel... too sore, heh."

AUBREY nodded with a chuckle. "Yeah, MR. HILL did not hold back on the workouts for the last day of school. But hey! You made it through the day. Though, coming to school again JUST before Summer Break is a bit of a risky move." She said with a chuckle.

BASIL blushed and scratched the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah, heh, I have quite the bit of homework to catch up on. I-I didn't mean to miss that much, but I just... needed some time."

AUBREY saw him getting gloomy, remembering why he missed all those days of school. Immediately, she went up and hugged him, a loving squeeze that caught him off guard but was quickly reciprocated. They stayed there for a few seconds, embracing one another before AUBREY ge try pulled back and kept a hand on his shoulder

AUBREY: "I know she meant the world to you, and I'm so sorry about what happened. But she's in a better place now."

BASIL wiped his watery eyes lightly, nodding and smiling softly. "Yeah, I know she is. She... went with a smile on her face. Knowing she went without any pain helped alot, but... but I still miss her."

He folded his arms and leaned against the lockers for a few moments, sighing lightly as AUBREY rubbed his shoulder. "I-I'm sorry-" He shook his head lightly. "-I didn't mean to bring down the mood. Uh... Oh! What are your plans for Summer?" He said trying to redirect the conversation.

AUBREY smiled and went along with him changing the mood, but immediately went to sighing while dropping her head. "Wellll... mostly work. MS. CANDICE says that Summer brings in a lot of customers for OTHERMART, so she said I've gotta come into work early, properly, and with he 3 C's. Clean, Classy, and Cutsey." She said the last bit pointing her fingers at her cheeks, tilting her head. "Smiley Smiley and all." She smirked before rolling her eyes.

BASIL began to laugh, covering his mouth a bit as AUBREY dropped the cutsey act and joining him in laughter. Both were so caught up on their own conversation that they didn't notice someone coming up behind them.

KIM: "Hey nerds, what you two being so giggly about?"

Both looked to her, and AUBREY'S face immediately lit up, rushing over and hugging her. "KIMMY!" KIM blushed lightly but patted AUBREY'S back with a light smile. "Nothing much, just talking about Summer Break, and how I'm being forced to act cute for MS. CANDICE and the Candy Store. Oh, the torture~" She said semi-dramatically.

Hearing this, KIM rolled her eyes. "Well, you don't gotta act hard, so you'll be fine, AUBEY." Her cheeks turned red and immediately began lightly hitting KIM'S shoulder. "Not you too! KEL said that early today too! You guys really don't want me to forget about that, jerks!"

KIM and BASIL both laughed at her outburst. KIM soon turned her attention to BASIL and cleared her throat. "Hey, uh, sorry again 'bout what happened. I know you probably don't wanna talk about it, but uh... my condolences man. I know how you must've felt, so uhm... yeah" BASIL smiled softly. "Thanks..."

Feeling awkward, KIM quickly changed the subject. "Uh, yeah, but hey, skipping 2 weeks of School? Being a delinquents my deal, FLOWER BOY, quit stealing my style." She said with a smirk.

He quickly turned pink, holding both hands behind his back. "I-It wasn't like that, I swear! I-I didn't want to miss that much." He looked back to his backpack disappointed. "Especially with how much work I have to do this Break."

KIM chuckled and pulled out her phone. "Yeah, well, sucks to suck. But hey, you got all Summer to deal with that crap." She tapped away at her phone before closing it just as quickly. "Alright nerds, Dad's gonna pick me up soon. Coming over for Dinner tonight, AUBS?"

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