RECOURSE! Pt. 05: When the Extraterrestrial Cat's Away... [Story No. 07]

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"Whoooo! I'm glad that's over with!" I cackle, punching rapidly into the air in celebration. I feel so accomplished right now. Like nothing can stop me. My rejoicing is short-lived though, as Zuri floats forward, a look of consternation awash on her face. "Wh-what's wrong?"

"You should already know," she groans. I can tell she's serious, but I'm really at a loss here and feeling vexed. Upon taking a moment and realizing that I'm not feigning ignorance, she continues. "It's time you explain to me about those tapes."

"Oh shit………FUCK!"


Okay, about those "tapes"…

See, whenever I go inside my mind to fantasize, those fantasies play out like I'm watching a vintage video cassette. Although we have much more advanced forms to watch media, the VHS is my preference for these thoughts of mine. It just adds a bit more flare when I recollect the things I saw on whatever day, as well as when I create a similar scenario just to, well, get off.

Thinking back on what Zuri said earlier before Bentley appeared, she was unquestionably sound in her observation. I really do think about feet entirely too much. I guess that's why she believes I'm "obsessed" with Shan, but I'm not. It's just like I said when I was at school: I like her feet. Nothing more, nothing less, but Shan is aware of such, so she teases me a lot. She does things to make me intentionally stare and memorize her, erm, actions for later. I loathe and love her for that. She's a damn thorn in my side, but an angel in my mind.

Shit! Maybe I do have some kind of attraction to Shan. I might've came to that conclusion already, but I can't remember. I really don't want to like her, but I can't escape the stimulating effect she has on my………loins. Perhaps it's only sexual and not romantic. Either way, both Sinead and Shan would kill me if they knew.

"Shit, my nigga, I want to kill you and I'm not even dating you!" Zuri chimes in, still intruding on my thoughts. "Also, I'm not intruding! We. Are. TETHERED!"

"And you still haven't answered why that is! I'd love to know, so I can figure out how to get you out."

"Look, I'm no expert, but I'd assume it's because of the experiment Doc Mordecai performed on me. It appears that injecting your blood and whatever else merged our consciousnesses, or at the very least, yoked them together."

"Fuck, man! We gotta wake ourselves up and get back to the battlefield! If Mordecai manages to make more Penumbras using my blood, everybody will be in my mind like some psychological chatroom!"

"Yeah, and we don't want that now, do we?" Zuri responds wryly, giving me the side-eye.

"Fuck you! You know you don't want that, and I DEFINITELY don't want or need that! I like having my mind to myself, thank-you very much."

"Honestly, I've started to like it here in your head," Zuri playfully teases, her giant head twirling around in mid-air. "I'm, like, comfortable as fuck, bruh. I just gotta figure out how to destroy all of those tapes of yours. Well, every one except the one of me. Hehe…"

"Wait, what?!" I react with a strong shudder. That statement has left me taken aback. If my mouth could drop, it would fall like The Wolf in that old Tex Avery cartoon. I think it was called Red Hot Riding Hood.

The Awesomatic Adventures of Dexter SeagraveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora