I walked to the door and opened it, it seems the world is more loud outside the building. Heavy machines moved about, I couldn't recognise what the place was for. He looked me up and down. I stood still, he put his phone in his pocket, moving towards me and I tensed, feeling a shake in my shoulders.

He brushed my hair aside, I closed my eyes, shivering as cold metal touched my neck. I looked up briefly, opening my eyes to look at him nervously. His eyes not on mine, he was scrutinising the shock collar thing, It wasn't tight, but couldn't be lifted from my neck. My hair fell back down against it.

I closed my eyes again, anxiety building up more. The wrist rings were clipped on next, a tear trickled down my cheek and I desperately wanted to wipe it away. I flinched as cold fingers touched my face, the sore spot from Hunter hitting me still hurt. He wiped the tear and tied something on my face. I cringed at the pressure on the sore spot.

"You cry easy" he pointed out, he guided me to the car, I didn't need to hold my eyes closed now, blindfolded. I felt around and climbed into the seat, the door shut and I waited tensely. He drives so much better then Hunter.

"I'm trying not to... It's not like anyone cares anyway" I mumbled, he didn't respond. The silence leaving me with only my imagination, thinking of the many things he could have me go through in this position.

We came to a stop. I waited, after a bit of my waiting, he opened the door, guiding me out with a hand under my arm. I followed by his side, terrified of making anymore mistakes. He pushed me down until I was sitting, I looked around, despite being blindfolded.

"Now. All you will do is wait here. You wasted a day of our time, so I'll waste yours. I was considering tossing you out into some field for a day, let you fend for yourself, but since you came back and didn't run, the punishment is easy. Don't remove the blindfold. Don't lift your hands above your neck. You will be shocked. After all, I can't risk your health with other types of punishments. Honestly I'm going too easy on you. But you can't fix stupidity" he sighed. I could hear footsteps beginning to fade.

Where am I?!

I hugged my knees as the floor moved slightly, crying out and trying to find something to grab as I wobbled, I gasped at a small shock and lowered my hands, the floor stopped with a heavy thud, jolting me slightly.

"Move forward" he demanded, his voice echoing as it reached me, I gulped... Did I go down or up? It feels like I went down... I felt around and stumbled to my feet. My feet sloshed in gross smelling water, I felt around and found something metal to sit on.

It stinks. Why is Daryl in control of so many gross and odd areas. I pulled up my knees, listening to the floor I had been on move again, the thing creaking with the effort.

"Remember. I will be notified if you get shocked a lot in a short amount of time. So don't try anything. I will be back tonight" he stated. I could hear water dripping and the sound of some bugs. Something moved and I jumped in surprise, loud squeaks could be heard and I gulped, what if I get eaten by animals?!

It was humid and a little boring, I hated the desire to walk and figure out what this space was. Metal could be heard groaning as it sounded about to collapse. A couple rocks becoming dislodged and landing in the water. I could hear a strange and echoey noise. I could hear the floor moving again, I don't know how long it's been... Has it been a day already?

I hugged my legs, no... Daryl would have spoken already right?! What's going on...

"Is someone there?" I called, my voice echoing. I could hear feet moving along the wet ground, splashing up water. I moved to my feet and tried to back away, crashing into a slimey wall. A firm hand grabbed my wrist, I struggled and tried to move away.

"Who's there?!" I cried out, my arm was lifted and I screeched as electricity ran through me. I quit struggling and they were dragging me. My legs slipping on the wet ground, I was screaming, the pain of the shocks building. I was dumped onto the floor, pulling my hand down. I curled up, sobbing and begging them to tell me who they are.

The floor moved as I tried to steady my breathing I was dragged again, screaming out as shocks ran through me again, I was pulled to my feet and hugged myself, sobbing pitifully in fear. My body weak and whoozy, a car door opened and I was shoved backwards, falling into the back seats, I curled into myself.

"Please, who are you?!" I pleaded.

"Fucking Silver. Call that a punishment?! Bastard" grumbled Hunter, I shivered, I want to call for help... Who can I even call? I have nobody... I should just do as Daryl said and don't speak. It'll only make him madder.

He drove off, I cried out as my body bounced around the back seat, crashing my head into a door and sending me into the feet area. I don't know if I'm going to make it out of this alive...

The car came to a halt, jolting my body. I groaned, doors opening and slamming making me flinch, I could hear a phone buzzing loudly. Ignoring his phone, Hunter grabbed me, dragging me from the car. I hit hard ground, rocks digging into my body.

"I don't want to hear it Daryl" Hunter grumbled, ripping the blindfold painfully from my face. I cried out, blinking in the sudden brightness, making out a large empty dirt area. I struggled to move, watching him hold his phone, he pressed it, I could hear Daryl's voice, it must be on loudspeaker.

"Hunter! You will not harm her, she needs to be in good condition to do errands, you hear me! Hunter, answer me you son of a bitch!" Snapped Daryl. He laid his phone on the ground. He grabbed my hair, I gasped. He then grabbed my arm, pulling it above my head and standing on it. I screamed as electricity coursed through me, making me breath heavy and feel weaker.

"Fuck" spat Daryl, the shock stopped, I  was panting, breathing heavily, whining as Hunter used his foot to grind my head into the ground, the little rocks digging into my skin.

"Turning off the shockers won't stop me Daryl," Hunter stepped off me, grabbing something from his car, panic taking over, I stumbled into a crouched position, he grabbed me, I couldn't hear what he was saying as I struggled against his hold, my blood rushing was the only sound I could hear.

With a fistfull of dirt, I threw it into his eyes, he shouted out, dropping the metal bat.

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