"it took time...but i know it's you" part two

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"what the heck does she want now??" I mumbled to myself while I texted her back.

Heyyy what's upp??? Long time no see

Nothing much

I haven't seen you at school eitherr

I was at school, you just didn't notice.

Ohhhh reallyy??hahah

I'm busy right now. I have school works to do, I'm leaving.

Ohhh studious boyyyy I bet you're the class topperr!

Again, I'm busy right now, i can't text at the moment.

Ohhhh okk then see you at school on Monday!!

**@Fotfot._. left the chat**

I closed Instagram and sighed, what does that bitch want from me now??? I thought to myself as i took my phone and opened gemini's chat, but then closed it and put down my phone. I laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Noo I can't bother Gemini with my stupid problems now, I'll tell him on Monday at school. I thought to myself as i closed my eyes. I slowly felt my consciousness getting clouded...the next moment I opened my eyes, i was in the school corridor, the exact spot where...where me and the other boys from my class had went to congratulate klia on her win. I looked up to the taller person standing infront of me. What..?? Klia isn't taller than me..she's..a few inches shorter.. then..who..??..my thoughts halted to a stop when i saw Gemini infront of me, a cold expression on his face as he stared into my eyes.
Gemini- wait..why are those my thoughts..?? Why can't i- why can't I speak??
"Aren't you ashamed of yourself...??" He asked, his eyes staring right into my soul. I tried to speak, but i couldn't, i tried to run, to do anything, but i couldn't move. All i could do was stand there and cower in fear as Gemini glared at me. He walked closer towards me, "aren't you ashamed to have a crush on your own best friend...?! " Gemini scoffed. "Do you really think that i like boys..?? Even if I did..do you think that i will like a loser like you?! A useless, weak, pathetic, sensitive, soft hearted, naiive, bitch like you?!!" I felt my breathing get faster. Although I couldn't move, i felt hot tears streaming down my face. I tried to move my hands to wipe my tears but, it was of no use, i couldn't move or speak at all. My breathing was getting more rapid and heavy. Then suddenly, with a gasp, i woke up. I sat up in bed, breathing heavily. I felt my cheeks stained with tears. I lifted my hand to my face to wipe them away, i noticed my hands were shaking..a lot...I gripped my bedsheets tightly...trying to stop my body from shaking. I tried to calm myself, i tried taking deep breaths, but my thoughts were still cloudy and i couldn't think straight. Slowly..I felt myself getting more conscious. My head was hurting..from what??..crying??? That's when i heard a faint ringing. It was my phone. I guess it had been ringing for a few minutes now..I just failed to notice until this moment. I fumbled to pick up the call. I didn't even look at the caller id, i just picked it up



I recognised that voice.. it was gemini..I took the phone away from my ear and looked at the caller id. To make sure. I put the phone to my ear again,

-hello fou- wait- why does your voice sound shaky..?? Did you- did you cry???

- I... erm-

-you can tell me fourth.. it's okay..I'll listen..

So I narrated my whole dream to gemini. I didn't mention the part where Gemini asked me why am I not ashamed of having a crush on him, i told him everything else, but i left out that part.

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