"you have no idea how lucky I am to have you"

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It's ten pm at night and tinn and gun are getting ready to go to bed. Gun is brushing his teeth while tinn is sitting on the bed reading his notes for his upcoming exam." Tinnn come on!! You haven't brushed your teeth!" Gun called out "ahh yes one minute" tinn said, still not looking away from his notes. Gun walked into the bedroom with tinn's brush and toothpaste and sat on the bed next to tinn. "Aishh it'll just take a few minutes naa?? Just brush ur teeth and then u can study" gun said, shaking tinn's arms " okk okkk I'll brush now, come on let's go to the bathroom" tinn said as he smiled and pulled gun with him to the bathroom. Gun sat on the sink counter while tinn brushed his teeth "why are u looking at me like that?? " Tinn said, after finishing brushing his teeth. "Nothing...I'm just....worried about you...you seem busy with all ur work and I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of yourself that well🙁" gun said, sighing as he caressed tinn's cheeks with both his hands. "Don't you worry about me...I can handle the work by myself..plus, I don't need to worry about taking care of myself, that's what my wifey is for😉" tinn said, taking Gun's hands in his and kissing them. "Aishh who told u that I'm ur wifey huh??" Gun said, eyebrows raised but still smiling. Tinn leaned close to Gun's ears and whispered "I don't need anyone to tell me that you're my wifey, you just are<3" "shiaaa since when are you this romanticc??" Gun asked, smiling "I'm only romantic to my wifey..no one else~" tinn replied, giving butterflies in Gun's stomach "aish, anyways, you had to study, na?? Come on, let's go" gun said, about to get down from the counter. "I just need something, don't go yet" tinn said, smiling. "What is it?" Gun asked, dumbfounded, looking around the bathroom. Tinn turned Gun's head to his direction, with his gaze fixed on his lips. "Now, do u know what I want?? " Tinn asked, looking back into Gun's eyes. Gunn sighed and shook his head in disbelief while smiling "you're really whipped, huh..okay, fine just one" gun said, before giving tinn a long peck on the lips. "There, done now come on-" gun was interrupted by tinn's lips on his again. tinn whispered against his lips "I wanted a kiss not a peck" before passionately kissing him and picking him up by his waist. Gun smiled into the kiss before wrapping his legs around tinn's waist as tinn carried gun back to the bedroom and put him down. " Shiaa, you just HAVE to do this everytime, don't you?? " Gun asked, his eyebrows knitted together but still smiling " ofcourse I have to..my wifey should be rewarded for taking care of me this good" tinn said before pecking gun on the cheek and sitting down on the bed and taking out his notes. Gun shook his head in disbelief as he took out his phone and scrolled through Instagram while sitting next to tinn.

-time skip- 11:50 pm-

Tinn was busy reading his notes when he realised that gun was on his phone and struggling to stay awake, his eyelids accidentally closing while his head drooped down once every few minutes. "Heyy, if you're sleepy, you can go to sleep, no need to wait for me ~" tinn said while ruffling Gun's hair. "Noo...I'll only sleep when you're done studying" gun said, still kind of sleepy. "If you're not sleeping until I am, then let's both go to sleep, go on, put away your phone" tinn said as he put away his notes. "But- don't you have to study??" Gun asked. " Noo, tomorrow is Saturday right, so I have plenty of time left." Tinn replied as he turned off the lamp light and put away his notes. Gun also put away his phone before getting comfortable under the sheets. Tinn lied down, facing gun, with his hands wrapped around Gun's waist, pulling him close to tinn. "Goodnight wifey " tinn whispered before kissing gun on his forehead. "Goodnight to you too~" gun said, as he kissed tinn on his jaw.

Timeskip- 12:30 am

Gun slept as soon as he got into bed, but tinn couldn't sleep. Although he told gun that he'll sleep and that he'll study tomorrow, tinn still had a lot to study and he was worried that he wouldn't be able to complete everything tomorrow, as he had planned to take gun out on a date on Sunday. So, tinn quietly removed gun's hand from around his waist and gave gun a pillow to cuddle instead and got out of bed. He took out his textbook and sat down at his study table and turned on the lamp.

-timeskip- 12:45 am-

Gun pulled the pillow which he thought was tinn, closer to him, only to realise that it wasn't tinn. He tried to open his sleepy eyes, just enough to see that he was hugging a pillow instead of tinn. He slowly sat up in bed and looked around the room, and finally spotted tinn sitting at his table.
He sleepily got up and walked over to tinn and hugged him from behind, and whispered "didn't you say that you could study tomorrow ??" "Well today is Saturday 🤭" tinn said, chuckling " wtf are you saying?? " Gun sleepily whispered against the back of tinn's neck. " Well, it's 12:46 am, Saturday" tinn whispered back, " huh.. aish tinn...but u didn't mean in the middle of the night.."gun said, still with his arms wrapped around tinn's neck. "Anyways.. you can study, I'll go make you coffee or smth, and one cup for myself too" Gunn said, as he started to walk towards the door, but was interrupted by tinn pulling gun back towards him. " There's no need for coffee for you or me, you can go to sleep, I'll join u after some time" tinn said, caressing Gun's hands. Gun shook his head " I'd rather wait for you than sleep alone~" he whispered into tinn's ears before pecking him on the lips and leaving the bedroom. Tinn smiled to himself, still not being able to get over the fact that this caring cutie belonged to him. After a few minutes, gun returned with two cups of coffee and put one down on tinn's table. "You can study, I'll be right here~" gun said before he was about to walk over to the big armchair they had in their bedroom next to the study table. "Gun~" tinn called. Gun hummed in reply, looking back at tinn. Tinn motioned him to come over to him. Gun walked over to tinn and looked down at him, and asked "what is it?~" as he cupped tinn's face in his hands. Tinn wrapped his arms around Gun's waist and pulled him close before whispering a sweet "thank you~" to him " aishh~ for what?? For making your coffee?" Gun asked, smiling while he ran his fingers through tinn's hair. " For this and for soo much more~" tinn whispered back before standing up and hugging him. Gun hugged him back as he breathed in tinn's scent. Tinn let go and whispered "I love you~ " before he pressed his lips against Gun's while he wrapped his arms around Gun's waist and pulled him as close as possible. Gun smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around tinn's neck. After a few seconds, they both pulled away and gun pressed both their forehead together with tinn's face cupped in his hands and whispered "I love you tooo~" before kissing him on the nose. "Okay now you better go back to studying, I don't wanna interrupt you~" gun said with a smile and sat down on the armchair with his phone, glancing at tinn once in every few minutes. He opened his phone camera and took a photo of tinn studying, his pretty face lit by the pale yellow light of the lamp. Gun smiled to himself as he posted it as his insta story with the hashtag #latenightswithbf .

Timeskip- 1:25am

Tinn closed his textbook and put away his notes before looking over at gun, only to find out that he was asleep, snoring cutely. Tinn chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness and walked over to him. He was about to put away Gun's phone when he saw that Instagram was open and that he had posted something as his story. *What could he be posting at this hour?* Tinn thought as he opened -stories-
He smiled to himself as he saw the photo gun took of him with the hastag #latenightswithbf . He put away the phone and carried gun bridal style to the bed and gently put him down. He kissed Gun's forehead and whispered "you have no idea how lucky I am to have you" before pulling the covers over both of them. He wrapped his arm around Gun's waist and pulled him close, as Gun unconsciously did the same, and put one of his legs over tinn's before burying his face in tinn's chest. They slept peacefully like that till morning<3


-morning- 10:45 am-

Gun pulled tinn closer, while mumbling something in his sleep. Tinn's slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight hitting both him and his boyfriend. Annoyed, tinn pulled the covers over both of their heads. He admired his boyfriend's pretty face dimly lit by the sun through the covers. He leaned in and gently pecked his lips to which gun responded with a cute smile. Gun snuggled closer to tinn and nuzzled his face in tinn's chest. Tinn embraced gun as he too closed his eyes, wanting to keep gun in his arms like this forever~


That's it!! Hope u guys liked it🤗 this is my longest short story so far😁😁 I will keep on updating regularly<33 although I might not be able to do daily updates..soo SO SORRYY but I will definitely update more than 4 times a week<333 stay tuned!!

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