"but to me, you're not just an exchange student -part two

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Tinn pov:


I reached the library at 4:55 pm, not wanting to be late for our first date- no-uhm- I mean first tutor session..hehe. I looked around for the best spot to sit at and found a good table with a big window behind it, which provided a magnificent view of the park outside. I put down my small bag ,which had my books in it, on the table and walked over to the front of the library, so that when gun entered, I could take him to the table which I had already chosen instead of creating an awkward situation in which gun would have to wander around the whole library looking for me...😅 The front part of the library was also where they had the best fantasy comic books, so while I was there, I took out a few comic books and flipped through them, but none of them were to my liking, they just didn't feel right. That's when I saw gun walk in. He was wearing a white oversized t-shirt with light blue jeans and a small bag. Something else that I noticed was the fact that his hair was styled differently today. Usually, he had his hair down,

Like this:

But today, he had side-parted his hair,

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But today, he had side-parted his hair,

Like this:

making him look much more cuter *uwu*

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making him look much more cuter *uwu*. I snapped out of my daydreaming and waved at him, which seemed to have caught his attention. He walked over to me "soo..where are we sitting??" He asked. "Come on" I said, and showed him the table which I had chosen. Even while we were studying together, I still couldn't take my eyes off him. No matter how much I tried to look away, my eyes would eventually end up on him. Then, suddenly I did something stupid.heh. "you changed your hairstyle..it looks good on you" I said, pointing at his hair. "Ohh you noticed??" He asked, looking up from the textbook with a smile. "You should style your hair like this to school, it's much better than your normal hairstyle" "ohhh..really??" He asked. I nodded in reply, and looked back at my own textbook. The rest of the tutor session was mostly just giving him sample test papers, clearing his doubts, explaining different dynasties and other study-related stuff..nothing too exciting tho..

Timeskip-end of tutor session-

Gun was writing down notes when he suddenly got a call. "Hello?" He answered. "Ohh yea, yeah I'm done....okok..ok I'm coming home....ok ma bye, love u you" he said, before ending the call. I guess it must be his mom. "Umm...my mom is calling me, it's almost 7..so..see ya" he said, getting up. "Ohh okk btw, could you give me your number, that way I could text you which chapter you have to focus on more after I look at your sample test papers" I asked, holding out my phone. "Ohhh sure " he replied, taking my phone and typing in his number. "Thanks, then, okk see you!" I said, waving bye to him. "Byebyeee!" He waved back. I watched him as he walked over to the doors of the library and started walking behind him. I got out of the library after him and saw him looking out, frowning at the heavy rain outside. "Oh no, are you stuck because of the rain??" I asked, walking up to him. He nodded, still frowning cutely. I blinked a few times, trying hard not to pass out because of his cuteness. "Should I drop you??" I asked "no need, I'll just ask mom to pick me up." He said, taking out his phone. "Aii no need to trouble your mom, I'll drop you, come on. " I said, as he followed me to my car. We both got in, and put on our seatbelts. " Btw Thanks for dropping me off " gun said, with a smile. "No prob don't mention it" I replied, as I started the car. We were driving to Gun's house when tiwson called me. I was about to answer the call and put it on speaker but then, decided that it was best not to do so because NO ONE KNOWS wut the hell will come out of his mouth. I answered the call and put the phone to my ear.


Tinn: hello?
Tiwson: helloo! Wassup! Wanna come by my house today??
Tinn: yeah, sure why not?
Tiwson: greatt!!! Then come here right now!
Tinn: uhh not right now, after some time
Tiwson: huh?! Why?
Tinn : I'm dropping off gun at his house, I'll come to your place after I drop him.
Tiwson : ooooh meeting the in-laws already?!!
Tinn: aish, shut up, I'm ending the call, I'll see you at your place
Tiwson : oook~ I'm sure his mom will like you very much, you will make a wonderful son in law~
Tinn : aish, get lost bye
Tiwson : byee~
"Your girlfriend?" Gun asked. " Who?? The one who just called? Aii noo it was tiwson, my bestie ,he invited me to his house, I'm single" I replied, laughing. "Ohhh" gun said, laughing too. We talked about random stuff all the way to Gun's house. I stopped infront of his house and his mom came out the door " ahh~ gun..I was starting to get worried, you said that you'll come but then it started raining, and I got worried, and who's this??" "Ah, ma~ this is my friend tinn, the one I told you about, he's the one that agreed to tutor me" gun replied to his mom, smiling. "Ooh~ you told me he was handsome but I didn't think that he would be this handsome..~" Gun's mom said , smiling at me. WHAT THE FUCK?!! GUN MENTIONED ME TO HIS MOM??? OMG." AII!! maa! How can you- I never- umm..well then, bye tinn, I'll see you later " gun frantically said, waving goodbye to to me and getting out the car door."aiish, don't rush gun, we should invite your friend inside, come on tinn" his mom said to me, smiling. " Uh, I'm sorry auntie, maybe next time, my mom might scold me if I'm late" I replied. "Ohhh that's a shame, well then, see you tinn, and thank you for dropping off gun" his mom said, waving goodbye to me. I waved back to her and turned the car around, heading to tiwson's. I stopped the car after reaching his house and texted my mom that I'll be at tiwson's before getting out of the car. I rang the doorbell and tiwson's mom answered the door. "Good evening auntie~" I greeted her. " Good evening tinn~ " she greeted me with a warm and welcoming smile. "Tiwsoonnn!!!! Your friend is here!!!" She called , as I entered the house. " He'll be in his room, you can go there" she said ,taking me to the stairs. "Ohk auntie, thankyou" I said with a small bow before going up to tiwson's room. I knocked on his door. In a few seconds, he opened the door "ayyoo ma dude" he said, wrapping an arm around my neck and ruffling my hair. "Why so happy??" I asked, sitting down. "You know that cute boy Por that I had eyes on, that day at lunch??" Tiwson asked. "Yeah, what about him??" I asked. "I messaged him on insta and he replied!!! And we're getting closer!" Tiwson said, jumping up and down and squealing. "Oooh did you message him from a fake account or your own??"I asked. "I thought about creating a fake account and messaging him but that won't really help me, I'll just be able to get info about him. It won't rly get me close to him so I decided to message from my own account." Tiwson said, sitting down. "Well,enough about me, whhat about you?? How was your visit to your in-laws??" Tiwson asked, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking. "Well, I was dropping him off and that's when his mom came out the door, she greeted me and told me that gun had told her about me, and she also said that I looked handsome, and tha she didn't expect me to be this handsome when gun told her so" I said, shyly fidgeting with my fingers.
"WHAT THE FUCKK??!!" tiwson screamed, holding my head in both his hands and shaking it so hard I thought I would puke. "OMG. DUD IF HE MENTIONED YOU TO HIS MOM AND EVEN MENTIONED THAT YOU ARE HANDSOME, YOU ARE IN LUCK!!!! there's a high chance he could like you back" tiwson said, finally calming down. "But..what if he's straight..??" I asked, feeling a bit down. "Oh...that's a question too...well..we don't know...but don't lose hope bro" tiwson said, patting my shoulder. We spent the rest of the time at his place talking and joking around. Then I noticed that it was 8:30 already. "Ohh tiwson, it's 8:30 Already, I don't wanna be late to reach home, k then, see you at school tomorrow" I said, heading to the door. "Ohk dud bye!" Tiwson waved, "byee!" I said back, before getting inside my car and driving back home. All I could think of was about Gun. Lately, my feelings for him have gotten stronger and I don't just think I like him...I LOVE HIM..and the problem of there being a chance that he's straight..that's another thing..it's something that has always lingered in the back of my mind ever since I saw gun, but, after I said it out loud to tiw, it's almost like I can't get it out of my mind, no matter how much I try to forget about it, I just can't...
Stay tuned for the next part!!!

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