"but to me, you're not just an exchange student"-part three

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Tinn pov
I reached home aftet spending about an hour at tiwson's and knocked on the door. My mom opened the door an d smiled at me. "Ohh you came just in time, I was about to call tiwson's mom..come on, let's eat dinner" she said, leading me to the dining table. ,"Ma..."
"Yes, dear?"
"I have something to tell you"
"What is it??..you can tell me anything you feel.." my mom said, putting two plates on the table and pushing one of them towards me. "There's....this boy I like.."
"Oh~ does this mean my tinn is finally going to get a boyfie??"mom said, smiling while patting my hand.
"Umm..that's the thing...idk if he likes me back..and..the most important thing is...I'm worried if he's straight.."
"Ohh..tinn you just have to give him time..you just met him na...? You should wait.. and get him closer to you..and another thing is pay attention to how he talks to girls and how he talks to boys, most importantly, you. "My mom said, smiling. "Hmm...okay ma..thanks for having my back at all times " I said, with a thankful smile. "Of course tinn~ now eat! Don't be late for bed" my mom said, starting to eat her food too.

-timeskip- next day

I was walking to class, texting my online friend, anonyMOUSE,we hadn't gotten time to talk over the past few days, he said he was busy with school work and I was busy with my duties. I smiled at his funny texts. I totally emersed in the conversation, and that's when I saw gun, I walked up to him and poked his shoulder, which made him turn to me "good mornin- oh! Gun! You changed your hairstyle to this one!!" I said , smiling from ear to ear. "Yeahh, I took your advice and styled my hair this way instead, it looks so much better na??" Gun asked, fixing his hair."yeahh~ this one looks better" I said, nodding. We both walked to class together, and when we reached the classroom, we both went to our own seats. I rushed over to tiwson and shook him, whispering "dudeee! Yesterday, I told u that gun changed his hairstyle and I said it looks good on him na???"
"Yeah, what about it??"
"He wore that hairstyle to school today !" I said , smiling "woahh~ already charmed him..?" Tiwson teased, smirking. "But don't get ur hopes up." He said, turning his expression blank and serious. "What whyy" I whined. "Maybe he considered it as an advice from a friend 😐" tiwson said. Aishhhh.. wut is this?!!! What is gun trying to do??? He's giving me mixed signals!!! Aiiish what do I dooooo?????

Author pov

Over the next few weeks, which soon turned into months, gun and tinn started to spend more time together, they got much closer, and got to know eachother much better, and tinn used the last few weeks to pay attention to gun and how he behaved to girls, and something about the way he talks with them just doesn't match. It doesn't seem like gun would like a girl..and after they got much closer, one day gun asked the same question to tinn, he asked if tinn likedd boys or girls. Tinn truthfully said that he likes boys, but decided not to mention the fact that he liked A BOY RIGHT NOW. He asked the same question to gun and gun also replied that he liked boys and that he hasn't ever felt an attraction to girls. Soo.. everything going well...right?? Tinn found out that Gun likes boys, he doesn't have any other obstacle in this way, and all there's left to do is to successfully charm gun...*record scratches* well....that's not it..that aint how my stories work.. my stories have the biggest plot twists, and unexpected endings..so don't say that I didn't already warn you if this story ends up having a sad, tragic ending..😌 well, I think I scared you guys enough, but still don't fully expect a happy ending tho..🤫hehe.
Well back to the actual story.... ehem..

Tinn pov

I was walking to the cafeteria when I saw gun cowering while some other boy had him pinned against the wall

Failed 12th grade once so he's in 12th again
School bully & playboy
Tinn pov

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