Bonus Chapt. 22

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"I promise to treat you like the queen that you are, I know your brothers will kill me the day they find out that I marry you but I'll take that chance and make the most of it. I promise to remain loyal to you no matter how far apart we are- even after death. I promise to always tell you how I feel, I promise to always be there for you. Never change from the bossy bitch brat you are because that's who I first fell for." He ended his vows and I wiped my tears.

He smiled slightly at me and looked down. It was now my turn to say my vows and I didn't know the first thing to say.

"I know I might act like a brat sometimes but I really care for you Handsome. I know you act like an asshole sometimes but you're a good man and that's why I couldn't let this opportunity pass to marry you. I wish we could live the happily ever after without the arguments and battering but I know that's not possible- it doesn't mean we can't work through them though. I promise to be understanding towards you, I promise to try and be the wife you truly deserve. I really hope I get that endless dick that you promise me cause I'm about to say I do just for that shit-" They chuckled, except the priest who kept clearing his throat. "Okay, sorry. I promise to never cheat on you, Never change from the egoistic asshole you are because that's who I first fell for." I finished off and Killian chuckled lightly but I could see his eyes moistured with tears, as he slips his hand in mine.

The priest cleared his throat, "Now that you both said your oh so romantic vows. Do you Killian Armani, take Sienna Romano to be your lawfully wedded wife, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love her faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?"

"I fucking do."

The priest rolled his eyes and turned to me next, "Do you Sienna Romano, take Killian Armani to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love him faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?"

"I just have one question for him first." I said and turn to Killian. "Are you going to be like that football player and give your mom everything if we decided to ever get a divorce, just so I cant get half of your money?"

Killian raised a brow at me. "My mom is dead."

"I know, but it's just a question."

"Fine, no. Why the fuck would I do that?"

"Good boy." I turn back to the priest. "I do, Mr. Priest."

"Are you planning to divorce me or something?" Killian asks.

"Hell no, you have to kill me first." I smirk and he tries to hide his smile but I saw it when his dimple popped out.

The priest continued, "Exchange rings please." Killian placed the beautiful ring on my finger as I slid on his ring as well. "By the power vested in me by the State of Minnesota, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Killian grip me in a chokehold and plastered his lips on mine, taking my breath away and soon after he let go leaving me in a trance.

"Now presenting, Mr and Mrs. Armani." The three of them clapped as Killian spun me around and I giggled.

One of the best feeling ever.

"This was one of the worst weddings I've ever dealt with." The priest shook his head as we signed some papers and we chuckled.

This wedding definitely will need a redo soon.

"Oh please, we're the best." I stated and the priest chuckled.

Soon after we left and went to our private honeymoon room. There were honeymoon decorations inside the room and it was a lovely sight to see.

Roses everywhere, a picnic set in the room for us to eat and enjoy.

"I thought I'd let you know that I'm still upset that you threatened me with your dad just for me to marry you." Killian suddenly said and I looked over at him. "Though I would never regret marrying you, you actually saved me."

"Well if that was the only way I could get you to agree- I'd do it again and again and again."

"And you thought that was the only way huh? To use my fear against me? That's a manipulative move Sienna." He argued.

"Fine, I'm sorry okay. Do you regret marrying me then?"

"The fuck are you even asking me? Of course not. You're the only girl I'd ever put a fucking ring on and be serious about that shit. I might act like I don't care but I fucking do but that threatening shit you pulled was not it."

"I'm sorry Handsome, I really am. I just did what I had to do without thinking. Can we just enjoy our time now? You're practically leave tomorrow and I want to spend as much time I can with you without the arguments." I pleaded.

He gripped the back of both my thighs and pulled me down on his lap, making me straddle him. My hands rested around his neck as he placed kisses on my neck. "Are you worried about us being away from each other for so long?"

I bit my lip, treading my hands through his hair. "Not really. I-I trust you, Handsome."

"Hm, we gonna call each other everyday- we gonna communicate about things." He kissed in-between the valley of my breasts. "We're gonna make us work, I promise."

"When will you come back to me?" I asked grinding on his clothed erect dick.

His tongue darts out and ran over his full lips wetting them, "Darling, I can't give you an exact date but I promise it won't be more than 3 years. In the mean time, I'll start up a business there to keep me busy yeah?"

He got up with me still in his arms and my legs tightened around him more. "Let's fill this tummy with some food before I fuck that tight pussy into unconsciousness."

I giggled as he slapped my butt, setting me down on the kitchen counter. He fed me some food and juice as we talked about how things will go between us.

"Can I have my dessert now, my pretty flower?"

"Always, Handsome."

He disappeared underneath my dress and my eyes widened at his magical tongue. My hands grip the counter and my mouth opened partly with my head tilt back as he devoured me.

And that was the beginning of our wonderful marriage and the start of- Loving, Killian.

And that was the beginning of our wonderful marriage and the start of- Loving, Killian

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—idk if that's how a wedding is operated buttttt ....I just thought maybe you guys wanna see how their wedding went and so forth...😫


𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 | (𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora