Jack: "That's it? Wait! What kind of smell is that? Is it you again?"

Y/n didn't look up at him. She shouldn't tear up at this moment.

Jack sighed loudly.
"I'm very ashamed of you suddenly. Why can't you wear something better than this huh? Your fashion sense is just, ugh! Let's go anyways. We're already late because of  this!"

He emphasised the last words, stabbing her heart deeper and deeper. She felt insecure when she already was no good.

Jack: "Use your legs! Come on!"
She pursed her lips and walked out.

There was a cab standing just in front of the entrance. Y/n frowned and slowly walked in.

Jack was already sitting inside. Y/n hesitantly opened the door and sat in.

Jack: "Finally the sloth is here.."
He muttered underneath his breath only for her to hear, who slightly pouted and looked outside.


I was nervous, scared. Where is he even taking me? Is he finding new ways to humiliate me in front of people?

I had my fingers intertwined with each other and they went on sweating due to nervousness. 'Shall I ask him?' . I looked at him, only to find him already smiling at me.

I startled and almost instantly looked away. He scooted closer to me.

Jack: "You want to know where we are going right?"
He whispered. I gripped my own hands.

Jack: "We are going to my favorite place."
Saying that, he scooted away, leaving me confused.

'His favorite place..? Is it--


As I knew.

It was a club.

Jack smirked at me, but anyone could know he was excited like hecking excited for it.

Jack: "It's been so long since I've been here! I love this smell!"
He sniffed the air and sighed in satisfaction.

He walked inside again leaving me behind. Shall I run away? I was about to take off until he looked back at me with his death glare.

I looked down yet again and walked inside, following him like a puppet, I was. I almost gagged at the smell, ugh! What an odour!

I found Jack sitting in front of the bartender already. Ignoring all of the gazes, I sat down beside him. I could hear him scoff once I did so.

Jack: "Everyone is looking at you in disgust! Why would you even wear such a baby dress? Just watch those girls.. how beautiful  and sultry they are and here you are."

I fiddled with my fingers, not really trying to defend myself. I startled when someone just sat beside my chair.

Not even glancing at the man, I scooted my chair closer to Jack who made a disgusted face and gulped the drink in one go.

Jack: "Ugh! Don't let anyone know that you're with me!"
He whispered rudely, standing up already.

I stood up to follow him, not really wanting to be left alone at such a place. But the bartender caught my attention.

"Would you like to have a whisky or rum?"
I gasped.

Y/n: "N-no"
I denied and looked back only to find him nowhere. It was crowded for sure, I had to look away from those disgusting scenes and sat down on the chair alone.

I startled when the bartender spoke up again.

"Actually, mam, you need to order something if you need to sit here. As you can see, there is already a huge crowd, and seats are limited so.."
He said with a polite smile.

His Multiple Personality DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now