Chapter 36

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Taehyung: "Do you have any problem with your sums?"
He asked with a smile. Y/n glared at him.

Y/n: "I can do it pretty well!"

Taehyung peeked in.

Taehyung: "You may or may not have messed up with the frequencies again"

Y/n: "Urm.. I-I'm just--"

Taehyung: "Give it to me, love. I'm here to help you always"
He grabbed her book but y/n snatched it away before he could do so.

Taehyung frowned.

Taehyung: "I-I have my book! I'll explain you from that"
He was reluctant.

Y/n: "I don't need your pity"

Taehyung: "They aren't pity or anything you name it, it's my love for you"
Taehyung looked away.

Y/n chuckled dryly.

Y/n: "Love? Just a day ago, you never wanted to see my face, and now you love me, wow! Is it because she rejected you or something?"
She spat rudely. Taehyung teared up, at her choice of words.

Taehyung: "N-no.. that's not true.. I-I don't know w-when I developed these feelings, y/n.. but I'm sure t-these aren't fake. E-even after your sister, come to me again, I'll never accept her because now I know who I love"

Y/n: "Wait, that means something really happened that day? So that you came back, crushing your ego down, in despair, huh?"

Taehyung: "Y-y/n.."

Y/n: "Just imagine, what if that day you successfully reached up to her and she let you inside, you wouldn't have loved me, right?"
Y/n asked with a innocent smile. Taehyung had his heart crushed.

Taehyung: "That's not true!"
He yelled, backing away.

Taehyung: "I love you! I would've realised it anyway, because I was in love with you, I just couldn't p-point it out, couldn't convince my brain.. that all a-around I was in love with you"
He whispered the last sentence vulnerably. His cheeks were stained with tears.

Y/n had no remorse. She shrugged.

Y/n: "Pleasant to hear that"
She muttered.

Taehyung: "W-why are you acting like this, y/n? P-please let me, p-prove it you. Please, allow me, j-just don't behave like this"
He whimpered. Y/n blinked away her tears.

Y/n: "You deserve it"
She gritted her teeth. Taehyung, who heard it, gasped his heart felt the same pain again.

Taehyung: "I-I know.. I d-do"
He nodded to himself, already knowing he deserved it. Instead, he deserved worse than this.

He has been hearing this for a very long time. He wasn't used to it until now. Maybe he really deserved a dark past, a worst childhood, betrayals and now he felt as if he was a sinner.

He fell silent after that, his head hanging low and knees stuck up to his chest. Y/n glanced back when the other went silent.

She pursed her lips noticing him completely zoned out. She clenched on the paper, holding herself back.

She knew, she pushed his weakest point. She regretted it just after she said that.

Not really being able to take the silence, she pushed back her chair and stood up.

Taehyung, didn't notice. He was staring at the void, his mind going back to the past, where he suffered, knowing he deserved everything since his childhood.

He didn't even notice when Y/n sat beside him and now staring at him guiltily.

Y/n: "Taehyung.."
He didn't budge.

His Multiple Personality DisorderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora