Open The File

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Jessica tries to open the file. But before she could, one of the scientists ran onto a table and presses a red button under it. An alarm goes off and the scientist tries to run out of the room. But before he could, Moreno pulls out his pistol, shoots his head and kills him.

Moreno: "Shit... we gotta get out of here"
Damien: "Should've just killed them after they told us everything"
Moreno: "I'd say it was your fault that he even thought about it"
Marchia: "I hear soldiers coming!"
Moreno: "Alright guys, don't hold back"

Moreno pulls out his Flamelurker. Once a soldier enters the room, he is immediately shot with the bullet killing another soldier behind him. They went out of the room and left the other scientists behind. Damien hears running across the walls and shoots through it with his Flamelurker at 80%. The bullet just blows up the wall and the soldiers behind it. More soldiers, who were simply blown back by the explosion were killed by Moreno and Zethendra. They run around, looking for a place to hide, even for a brief moment.

Jennifer: "This way! There's a storage room! If we're lucky, we might even find more guns"

A few more soldiers barge in through a wall with Flamelurkers. Moreno sets his gun to 100% and blows all of them up in one shot, although the explosion blew them all back. Aurel, who was the farthest away from the explosion is the first to get up. More soldiers comes from behind and she shoots at them with her Flamelurker at 10%, blowing a hole through one of them and killing him. Aurel drops the gun due to the recoil and weight. Marchia gets up and shoots the rest of the soldiers with her pistol. Her first shot hit a soldier's arm, knocking the gun out of his hands and the second shot struck his face, knocking him down. Aurel kills the soldier right behind him with her Flamelurker, this time set to 2%. The recoil is reduced but it still shot through his bulletproof helmet. The other teens get up and they continue running. Once they have reached the storage room. They took time to breathe for a moment.

Damien: "Aurel got two kills... not bad"
Marchia: "Yeah, she was doing really good!"
Aurel: "Thanks"
Jennifer: "We don't have time for this right now! We left the scientists in the lab!"
Damien: "Why do we still need 'em again?"
Jennifer: "They're the ones who could produce a cure for us!"
Damien: "Oh... but least they're not all dead... we can always find them again"
Jennifer: "Good luck going up against even more soldiers, you barely survived this time!"
Damien: "Barely!? All of us are still alive!"
Jennifer: "Yes! Barely alive!"
Alicia: "You two shut up! More soldiers are gonna come in!"

As she predicted, a soldier starts running towards the room. Moreno shoots him through the door with his Flamelurker set to 2%, enough to pierce the door and soldier, without creating a gaping hole that exposes their location.

Moreno: "Alright, no more screaming, no more arguing. We need a fucking plan, real quickly. Where do we go from here?"
Jennifer: *Sighs* "I don't know... maybe that file could give us a hint..."

Everyone looks towards Jessica. She pulls out the file and opens it. She reads it aloud.

Jessica: "I think this is the first one. Codename:... The Orphan"
Aurel: "The what now?"
Yuiko: "Wait what? An actual orphan?"
Jessica: "Richard Williams, Test Subject T42, Age: 12, Blood Type: O, Relatives:... None..."
Alicia: "They experimented on an orphan..."
Marchia: "That's why the scientist guy didn't want us to open it. He must've felt really bad about it"
Moreno: "Either that or they don't want us to know they're a bunch of psychos"
Marchia: "That's true..."
Jennifer: "Richard? No way..."
Moreno: "You know 'im?"
Jennifer: "Yeah... he was a good kid... I didn't know they wanted to do this... to him..."
Moreno: "Is the guy in charge of this whole place here by the way? Like... your boss?"
Jennifer: "I think so"
Moreno: "We should probably kill him too in case he experiments on anymore children"
Damien: "Jess, does it show any of its weaknesses or something?"
Jessica: "Uhhh... the experiments were going smoothly until the fourth day, where Richard started mutating. Due to his young age, this Progenitor isn't very intelligent and often lashes out in a tantrum"
Damien: "Any... physical weaknesses?"
Jessica: "Uhhh... it says his inner organs are vulnerable, does that help?"
Damien: "Hmmm... maybe"
Moreno: "Does it have a mouth?"
Jessica: "Uhhh... I don't know"
Marchia: "You don't have a picture of it?"
Jessica: "Yeah, but it's so dark"
Damien: "It kinda looks like Shy Guy"
Alicia: "Is that Voldemort!?"
Moreno: "Looks more like Orphan of Kos... which does explain the name..."
Jennifer: "Do you guys think you can kill it?"
Damien: "Probably"
Jennifer: "I need a guarantee..."
Moreno: "We can't guarantee anything. This is the apocalypse. Every move risks your life"
Jennifer: "Please I just... he might still be alive in there... put him out of his misery"
Moreno: "...Yeah, we'll kill him. Don't worry. In the mean time, you can stay here. You don't have a gun anyway"
Damien: "We gonna kill this thing or not?"
Marchia: "We don't even know where to go"
Jessica: "There's a map here, I'll navigate!"
Moreno: "Alright, let's go then"
Alicia: "We definitely won't die right?"
Sofi: "I probably will"
Yuiko: "Let's die together then"

They leave the room and walk around the base, following Jessica's directions and blasting through every soldier in their way.

In another perspective, a man sits on a chair in front of multiple camera screens. He sees all the action play out without a panic in the world. He seems to be the leader of D.E.A.D. One of the soldiers walks up behind him.

Soldier: "What'll we do about that, sir?"
Leader: "Do whatever you want, Cross. Just don't kill them. I wanna see where this goes"
Cross: "...Heh, that's so like you"
Leader: "Maybe pay them a little visit if they manage to kill the damn thing"
Cross: "Hm? Why not. I won't have to do a damn thing then"
Leader: "Don't be too sure..."

To be continued...

Survive the Apocalypse, Act IIWhere stories live. Discover now