The Progenitors

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Jennifer: "Uhhh... basically... they weren't trying to make zombies or even a virus"
Marchia: "So, what did they make?"
Jennifer: "They were trying to make heavily augmented super soldiers... of course... the plan sort of backfired and they turned into..."
Moreno: "The zombies?"
Jennifer: "Not really zombies per se... alot more like mutants? They're faster, stronger, smarter and far more dangerous than any other zombie because they were the cause of this apocalypse"
Marchia: "The first zombies then?"
Jennifer: "We call them the Progenitors"
Moreno: "How many of them were there?"
Jennifer: "5, all with different appearances, abilities and some are stronger than others. They were given specific codenames. I wasn't told what they were... but I do know that killing them would stop this apocalypse from spreading overseas"
Moreno: "Please, don't tell me one of them is an underwater zombie..."
Jennifer: "Not that I know of"
Moreno: "Oh, thank god..."
Marchia: "If we kill them, would that undo everyone who was infected by them?"
Jennifer: "No, but it might help find a cure"

Moreno ponders for a bit, thinking about the situation and what to do. However, Marchia already knows her answer.

Marchia: "Do you know where one of these Progenitors are?"
Jennifer: "We have one contained within a base nearby, it's actually inside the city under a collapsed building"
Marchia: "Let's go there tomorrow then!"
Moreno: "Wait! Won't there be a bunch of soldiers there too? We can't sneak another Berserker into a base under a building"
Jennifer: "You guys have Flamelurkers don't ya? I'd say we hit 'em before they even know we're even there. I'll tell you where to go"
Moreno: "Okay... I don't mean to offend but... why should we... trust you?... What if you're just baiting us?"
Jennifer: "You think I like seeing people die? Sending a bunch of kids to their death!?"
Moreno: "Like I said... no offense, it's just hard to put my life on the line along with someone who works with the enemy"

Marchia grabs Moreno and whispers to him, so that they can chat alone.

Marchia: "We could always keep a gun on her back just in case she betrays us"
Moreno: "You've been more violent lately..."
Marchia: "Just threatening, we don't have to kill her or anything"
Moreno: "Still though... that first kill did something, didn't it?"
Marchia: "...I don't know what you're talking about"

They stop whispering and talk to Jennifer again in order to settle their agreement.

Moreno: "Alright... we'll trust you, but if you even think about crossing us. You're dead"
Jennifer: "That's not what trusting means"
Moreno: "Eh, I guess not"
Jennifer: "Alright then... tomorrow?"
Moreno: "We should probably explain to the others about uhhh... everything first"
Marchia: "Yeah... also, I thought about it. Shouldn't we practice before that?"
Moreno: "Practice?"
Marchia: "Yeah... like with guns"
Moreno: "Oh... yeah, let's just raid the place the day after. Agreed?"
Marchia: "Agreed"
Jennifer: "I'm fine with that"

They continue the rest of the night with Jennifer falling asleep before Moreno and Marchia could. When they woke up, they just explained about everything they talked about the day before.

Zethendra: "The first zombies?"
Moreno: "Yeah..."
Aurel: "This is alot to process..."
Damien: "Seemed straightforward to me"
Alicia: "I've heard less comprehensible information honestly"
Ellen: "I don't understand anything..."
Damien: "I still find Pak CJ's assignments to be harder to understand"
Yuiko: "Are we raiding another base?"
Marchia: "I thought we would practice shooting first before going there"
Aurel: "Using a gun isn't that hard honestly"
Jessica: "Easy for you to say, Aurel!"
Aurel: "How is it easy for me?"
Jessica: "You used a gun more than me!"
Marchia: "Which is why we're training, right?"
Damien: "Come on, I'll teach ya'll the basics"

Marchia had to re-explain to Ellen about the Progenitors, she had to explain it a third time but she was slowly understanding more and more. Damien taught Jessica and Alicia how to use a basic handgun, Alicia understood pretty quickly and her aim was... decent I suppose. Jessica was harder to teach but Damien was being very patient with her. Moreno helped teach Aurel, Ellen and Marchia. Zethendra taught Sofi and Yuiko. Yuiko was the physically strongest girl to hold a heavy weapon, so she was using a submachine gun. They were shooting soda cans from a distance. Several hours passed and they were at least uhhh... decent I guess. The one who shot the most soda cans was Marchia, with Alicia second and Aurel third. Moreno, Damien and Zethendra only shot a few times to set an example that they could replicate. Moreno also taught some of his melee and ranged combat tactics just in case.

Moreno: "-if you're behind a wall, waiting for an enemy. Try to duck before shooting so they have to aim downwards. In that split second, you blast their fucking brains out"
Aurel: "Where'd you learn that?"
Moreno: "John Wick"
Aurel: "Forget I asked"
Marchia: "I wanna fight like that one girl in John Wick. She's very agile... and hot..."
Moreno: "I guess you could circle around a guy to shift his center of gravity. Though it wouldn't work unless it's a big guy"
Damien: "Luckily, you're short"
Marchia: "Fuck you"
Moreno: "I guess make as much use of your physical abilities as you can. Being small might actually be a good thing sometimes"
Marchia: "I'll try..."
Aurel: "What the fuck can I use with my physical abilities!?"
Damien: "You have none!"
Moreno: "I'd say you should keep your distance then. You're not a bad shot"
Zethendra: "Aurel is surprisingly good"
Jessica: "What about me?"
Zethendra: "You're not bad either"
Jessica: "No, I mean the physical thing"
Moreno: "Look, I don't know what everybody is good at, but whatever it is, focus on it and maximize it's fucking use..."
Jessica: "Don't have to be so mean about it..."
Moreno: "I wasn't being mean"
Jessica: "Yes, you were!"
Moreno: "Not that mean!"
Damien: "I mean... Jessica's got that proportional anomal-"
Moreno: "Shut the fuck up!"

Damien chuckles. Their conversation quickly went from maximizing their capabilities to whether or not abortion is morally right or not. Their average conversation really. After a few hours, they went to sleep.

To be continued...

Survive the Apocalypse, Act IIWhere stories live. Discover now