The Orphan

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Damien: "I'm almost out of ammo"
Moreno: "Each soldier we kill use Flamelurkers, just steal off of them"
Damien: "Okie Dokie"

They reach a closed blast door, sealed shut.

Damien: "Uhhh... is this the place?"
Jessica: "Yeah, it should be"

Moreno sets his Flamelurker to 100% capacity and braces himself, holding onto the shotgun with all of his might. He shoots the door multiple times, breaking through it. They walk into a corridor, leading to a room with alot of equipment.

Damien: "Aww hell yeah!"
Moreno: "This is not what I expected"
Stranger: "What were you expecting?"

Everyone aims their guns at the stranger. They quickly aim their guns towards him, despite the latter being unarmed. But he scoffs, not intimidated by their firearms.

Stranger: "You probably made a big mistake. Children nowadays, stubborn as ever"
Moreno: "Who are you?"
Stranger: "Oh, I'm here to help you. Please, take whatever you want, this might be your very last day as an alive person"
Moreno: "Is this like... preparation for anyone who wants to fight the Progenitor?"
Stranger: "Yes, some soldiers volunteered. Obviously, none came back alive but they did put up a decent fight from what I've heard"
Damien: *Grabs a small object* "What's this thing supposed to be?"
Stranger: "That is an Encapsulation Core. Throw it at the target and he'll be wrapped up in steel cords"
Damien: "Cool"

Damien takes several of them. The other go around looking for other equipment.

Yuiko: "What's this thing?"
Stranger: "Ice Bomb, self-explanatory"
Damien: "And this baby?"
Stranger: "Hook Gun, it has multiple effects, such as electrocution, burn and poison"
Damien: "How the fuck did they not kill the thing with this?"
Stranger: "Word of advise, electrocution and burn merely disorient it. Poison... well... it's absolutely useless against it"
Damien: ", noted"
Marchia: "Oh my god..."

Marchia holds up a gauntlet, which extends into a sharp superheated blade.

Zethendra: "What the fuck!"
Moreno: "Holy shit..."
Stranger: "That is a Slayer's Gauntlet. Be careful not to cut yourself, it would be excruciatingly painful"
Marchia: "It can cut the Progenitor right?"
Stranger: "With enough force? Barely"
Alicia: "Check this shit out"

Alicia pulls out a large metal staff, covered in energy and electricity.

Stranger: "Electro-Staff, good for stunning"
Damien: "I love this place, can we stay?"
Moreno: "Unfortunately no..."

Moreno grabs a handle out of curiosity. It extends into a long spear with a sharp end.

Stranger: "Ah, my personal favorite, the Godspear. It has two settings, just be careful with the energy bolts"
Moreno: "The what now?"
Stranger: "It's very versatile, you can use it short range, mid range, long range. It can certainly knock it down but don't expect a finishing blow from it"
Moreno: "Okay..."

Aurel tries to grab what seems to be a black grenade with red stripes but before she can-

Stranger: "That's still a prototype. We don't know what it can do just yet"
Aurel: "Maybe it can kill the Progenitor"
Stranger: "You can give it a shot"
Moreno: "...even if it could kill the Progenitor, we should probably save it for later. It's still a prototype so it might be our only hope"
Stranger: "...are you actually serious about killing it? You seem to be strategizing quite carefully, but if you were smart enough, you would've known over an hour ago that you won't even stand a chance"
Moreno: "Didn't ask"
Stranger: "Oh... you're on thin ice, boy"
Moreno: "You're the one on thin ice"

Moreno aims his spear at the stranger, who slowly backs away.

Moreno: "Don't forget, I'm the one with a magic spear... We've done alot of impossible things, alright? I'm not saying this'll be easy but we'll make it. We always do"
Stranger: "You're too naive, boy. You still have a future ahead of you. Why risk it on killing that... Thing?"
Damien: "So we can make a cure for the infection"
Stranger: "...I'm not gonna watch a bunch of children get themselves killed"
Moreno: "Then don't"

Survive the Apocalypse, Act IIWhere stories live. Discover now