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Gemini thought that Fourth needed some time after their last conversation. He kept his eyes on him, he wanted him to feel comfortable even they fought. Fourth's family had no idea about their fight or his pregnancy, but Gemini's family were so supportive.

Meanwhile Gemini was sitting with his friends and they were drinking. Gemini didn't wanted to drink that much, he didn't want Fourth to see him drunk.

"Dude, if you love him then why are you acting so toxic?" asked Phuwin.

"Bro, i don't know. I'm just so angry recently."

"Go and see a therapist man."

"Shut the hell up dude i'm not a psycho."

They all laughed and raised their cups.

"In honor of our friend being a father then."

Everything was fine, but Gemini missed Fourth. It was getting late so, he actually wanted to go home, but he knew even if he's home, Fourth wouldn't look at his face. But nevermind, he just stood up and said goodbye to his friends.

"I'm going home guys, you know, except for you i have a pregnant wife waiting for me."

"Can we be sure that he is waiting for you?"

"Shut your mouth, bye!"


Fourth was sitting in their gazebo, waiting for Gemini. He was worried sick, and he was thinking that was because of hormones. His baby needed to feel his dad.

"Where is your basta- i mean handsome dad baby?"

His stomach did a weird flip(?) and he held his stomach with his hands.

"It hurts!"

Gemini arrived just in time and saw Fourth crawling in his chair. He ran towards him and helped him to sat on his lap.

"Are you okay Fourth? What happened?"

"It's just.. today my doctor called to chat, and i asked him about this dizziness. He told me it's totally fine."

"Oh my god, how the hell i don't know about this? Nevermind, let's go to our room Fourth. Please sleep with me. If you're uncomfortable, i can sleep in guestroom."

While Gemini carried Fourth to their room, he thought to himself that he was a bad boyfriend. He never knew about Fourth's stomach pains. When Fourth was crawling here in pains, he was having fun.

He tried to push this thought off of his mind, and layed Fourth on their bed. Gemini looked around his shelf and found some pills. He quickly scim-scanned the receipt and found out that this pills were for his pregnancy.

"Oh my god, Fourth, why i don't know a shit about this pills?"

He gave Fourth the pills and headed to kitchen for water. His heart skipped a bit when he came back to their room. Fourth was crying silently.

"Fourth, talk to me please."

Gemini placed his hand on Fourth's chin and made him to look right in his eyes.

"Drink this, we are going to talk about this."

Fourth drank the water and looked at his eyes.

"I'm tired.. can we talk tomorrow please?"

"Okay then, i'm going to the guestroom. Call my name if you need anything okay?"

"Gem wait.."

Gemini stood right infront of the door and looked at Fourth.

"What happened?"

"Can we sleep together?"


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