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Pov Fourth.

What the hell?

Where am i?

Wait, no

Where we are?

I saw Gemini sleeping right beside me. God he looked so tired.

After spending a few minutes to think, i finally figured out everything. Jamie stabbed me, that's why i was here. I didn't care about her at all, just seeing Gem this tired made me feel guilty.

I was about to wake him up but he just woke up by himself.

"Fou?" he said with a low voice.

"Yes love?"

"Oh my god."

He pulled me close and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I-i was so scared baby, i thought.. i thought you're leaving me.. I'm so sorry for not taking good care of you i promise no friends or anyone after this just us."

I patted his head but i felt something weird on my shoulder.

Oh godness..

He was literally shaking and crying in fear.

"Gem, stop crying love. I woke up and i'm next to you. Why are you cry- aww come here."

I pulled him into a hug and gave him a peck kiss. I never had any ideas that he loved me this much. He was always cold and reckless outside, it was my first time seeing him crying histerically like this.

"Baby i'm sorry."

"Shh, it's over now."

"I don't think i can forgive myself after this. I'll promise i will be more careful to you. I will never leave your side. Not even for a second."

"Exaggerating bla bla bla."

"I'm serious."

"Are we going to pee together?"

"Gosh so romantic."

"Shut up silly."

"I missed you so much darling."

And then.. we hugged and kissed again.

"Gem and I are literally two idiots. We spend the whole day talking about us, and what is going to be like when we'll be long distance, and it honestly only makes me believe even harder that we are going to be fine. That everything's gonna be okay."

Being with him was everything i dreamt of. After this, i just knew that he is never going to leave me.

Our love was nothing like others.

Even sometimes we are just two sillies, who mocks each other every single moment.


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