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my tears

are languor from my soul,

how fond of the memories

of bitter assailants

and ships that have set sail.

my eyes have seen fires 

burn sacred temples

that were homes 

to my love,

my words no longer

strong enough to overcome

the match that has touched the 

beige walls, the stars were

freckles across your skin,

and it was that night i lost you,

to tears and distraught,

ships burned at sea 

and you burned in my heart

and the stars against your skin

and you burned me in ways

i could never fathom,

in ways i will carry you everywhere.

to the beaches that once dusted your hands

with the fine sand,

to the blades of grass that

had once known the feeling of your warmth

hovering over them.

let my tears coat the places

you once were,

in hopes that maybe

my longing will be enough to snap

you from your slumber,

and bring you back home

to me.

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