🌊Chapter 37 | Made It The Ocean Kingdom🌊

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*As Blossom and the others heard Eleanor's yell, they immediately went to Eleanor and the others and looks down of the ocean and they saw The Ocean Kingdom.The gang looks The Ocean Kingdom in awe.Maila could not believe it.*


Luke: Of course it is!!! I can't believe this Kingdom is under the ocean! I wish Nezha was here to see this!!!

Jayden: Same!

Maila: They don't call the Ocean Kingdom for nothing.

Maila: So...what happens now?

Vaiana: *Walks to the boat controls*  Well....

Vaiana: Prepare for this,Guys....This boat can transform into a submarine!

Jayden: NAHHHH!!! There's no way this boat can transform into a submarine!

Vaiana: *Smirks and presses a button so that the boat can transform into a submarine*

*Suddenly...The top of the boat started to closed on top of Blossom and the others while they looked up the clear glass.Then....The boat starts to transform into a submarine.*

The gang: *Looks around* Whoa....

Jayden: *Looks around and turns to Vaiana* IT CAN TURN INTO A FREAKING SUBMARINE!?

Vaiana: Oh course it can!! ^^

Jayden: *Jawdrops* 

*Vaiana presses another button,making the submarine go underwater as Blossom and the others look around while Eleanor was looking at the fish and some beautiful coral as she has stars in her eyes.*

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