🌊Chapter 36 | Getting Close To The Ocean Kingdom🌊

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*3 hours later...It was now noon.They were getting closer to The Ocean Kingdom.While Blossom and the others were eating lunch.Eleanor was looking at the ocean while Kekoa is throwing up cause he is seasick.*

Eleanor: *Saws Kekoa* Uh...Are you ok?

Kekoa: *Stops throwing up as he gives her a thumbs up* ...

Mirabella: *Walks to Eleanor* Kekoa sometimes get seasick when we go somewhere,even The Fire Kingdom.

Eleanor: The Fire Kingdom???

Mirabella: That's where my best friend,Mai Ly lives! She's going to be a princess soon cause her coronation is coming up soon!

Eleanor: Oh really?

Mirabella: Of course! And also...when we get closer to The Ocean Kingdom...I called backup for help which is the Octonauts!

Eleanor: Wait! Blossom was friends with them....right?

Mirabella: Of course! She told me about The Octonauts before we left the Island!

Eleanor: Cool!!

Eleanor: Also...Are we at The Ocean Kingdom?

Mirabella: *Looks under the ocean and saws The Ocean Kingdom* !!!!

Mirabella: It looks like we are FINALLY here!!

Eleanor: Wait really?! Let me see,Mira!!!

Eleanor: *Walks to the edge and looks down* ....

Eleanor: *Saws The Ocean Kingdom and Gasps* !!!


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