🏝️Chapter 8 | The 9 Hour Flight Part 2🏝️

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*3 hours later.It was starting to get dark outside.As Angelina was watching the sunset from the window.Angelina was wondering why did they leave at the evening.So...Angelina was talking to Maila.They only have 5 hours until they reached to Maui, Hawaii.*

Angelina: So...We left at the evening cause we can get to Hawaii by tomorrow?

Maila:  Of course! It was Sun Wukong's idea to get to Maui, Hawaii by tomorrow.

Angelina: Oh ok.

Angelina: *Turns to Violet* Hey Vi?

Violet: *Turns to Angelina* Yeah Angel?

Angelina: How many hours until we get to Maui, Hawaii?

Violet: We will arrived at Maui in 5 hours.I heard The Monkey King said that while he was talking to Catalina.

Angelina: Oh ok.

Violet: And also...I can't believe that Macaque's voice is different.

Everest: Yeah! How did that happen?

Angelina: To be Honest,Girls.....I have no idea...He voice is kinda...

Angelina: *Mumbles to herself* Attractive....

Everest: *Confused* What was that,Angel?

Angelina: *Gasps* !!!

Angelina: Oh! Uh....NOTHING!!! 0\\\\\0!!!

Everest: Ok? *Slowly turns around and looks at the window*

Violet: *Smiles and turns to Angelina* 

Angelina: *Does a smile too* ^^

Angelina:  *Turns to the window* ....

Angelina: (Mind: We are halfway though the flight....Only five hours left and then we FINALLY made to Maui, Hawaii...)

Angelina: *Slowly starts to fall asleep* ...

Macaque: *Slowly saws Angelina falling asleep and puts her on his chest*

Angelina: *Slowly falls asleep in his chest*

Macaque: *Smiles as he looks at Angelina laying on his chest*  .....

🌊Oceanbound🌊: A Hawaiian Adventure!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora