3rd Qu3st1on !

117 5 1

TheHeirOfRage: Co3ol !
Wh2ats yo3ur fav2ourite mem3ory ?

Latula: *thinks *


Mituna: *skating and doing radical tricks*

Latula: *watching him while sitting with Kankri*

Kankri: *notices she's not listening to his speech about Social Justice * Latula ...Latula ! *snaps his fingers in front of her face.*

Latula: Huh ? *looks at him*

Kankri: Were y9u even listening t9 a w9rd I was saying ?

Latula: 3h3h3 h3ll y34h 1 w4s ! *scratches back of head*

Kankri: It didn't seem like it Latula... What were y9u watching ? *looks at what she was watching * 9h please tell me y9u did n9t have y9ur eyes 9n Mituna..

Latula: H3ll n4h bro .. 1 was st4r1ng 4t... *looks at the trashcan behind Mituna* 1 was look1ng 4t how r4d th4t tr4sh c4n look3d m4n ! W1th 4ll of th4t gr4f1t1 4-

Kankri: *cuts her off while folding his arms* Y9u were l99king at Mituna. D9n't lie t9 me Tula y9u kn9w exactly h9w I feel a69ut th9se kinds 9f things.

Mituna: *goes over to Kurloz and Rufioh to talk and rest he takes of his 3-D shades and ruffles up his curly hair a bit smiling *

Latula: F1n3 ...1 w4s k1nd4 sort4 look1ng 4t h1m...

Kankri: *scoffs * 9ut 9f all 9f the pe9ple in 6ef9rus why Mituna ?

Latula: H3s just so ....r4d1c4l !! *she smiles while looking at him.*

Kankri: Y9u never kn9w Tula he c9uld 6e tr9u6le 9r w9rse a cheater ! #tw:Cheater#tw:tr9u6le

Latula: *rolls eyes * Wh4t3v3z k4nkz *gets out her DS and starts playing Super Mario Bros *

Mituna: *taking glances at Latula and talking to Kurloz and Rufioh.*

Kankri: *gets irrated and feels uneasy while Mituna's taking glances at Latula he stands up and walks over to him.*

Latula: K4nkz ! K4nkz... Don't l34v3 m3- *he's already over there*

Kankri: *talking to him and lecturing him.*

Mituna: *listening while blushing a shade of Yellow*

Kankri: *tells him something else and walks back over *

Latula: K4nkz ! Wh4t d1d you s4y ?

Kankri: I lectured him.

Latula: 4bout wh4t !?

Kankri: He was staring at y9u and I th9ught that was triggering. *says honestly but he also said something else.*

Mituna: *walks over and sits next to Latula * Hey tthere *smiles*

Latula: *looks around * h-h3y m3 ? *points to herself

Mituna: Ye2 you *chuckles *

Latula: *embarrassed she blushes Teal * Oh umm...h3y th3r3 g4m3r bro ! *giggles nervously thinks:K1ll m3 now.*

Kankri: Hell9 there Capt9r *looks at Mituna*

Mituna: 2up kank2

Kankri: I'll leave y9u tw9 al9ne f9r n9w
*leaves the picnic table *

Latula: *watches him leave thinking: k4nkz !! No !! Your my mor41l !!Wh4t h4pp3n3d to r41lz b3for3 p41lz ??*

Mituna: 2o you liike ttwo board ?

Latula: *looks at her hands * 1 don't know how to bo4rd but you know 1m 4 ch1c so 1ts not th4t b1g of 4 d34-

Mituna: *cuts her off and grabs both of her arms* Ju2tt becau2e your a chiic doe2ntt mean you can'tt board !!! Come now iim tteachiing you .. *he grabs her hand and stands up begins walking over to Kurloz and Rufioh.*

Latula: *blushing a lot.*

Mituna: *gets her geared up and begins teaching her they spend the entire day teaching her how to skate *

//////Flashback over//////

Latula: Prob4bly wh3n tun4 t4ught m3 how to sk4t3 .*smiles*
4sk mor3 qu3st1onz !!

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